Added a change to city defence. Each city now has a citywall-level which controls the citys defence strength.
Basically it goes like this:
citywall level 8 = defence strength 3
citywall level 6-7 = defence strength 2
citywall level 3-6 = defence strength 1
citywall level 0-2 = defence strength 0
Every time a city is conquered it will lose 1 point of citywall level.
The costs are currently 50, 100, 200 and 400 for upgrading. And the upgrade is happening directly. I was thinking of adding a buildtime for the upgrade, but its probably not a good idea as well as a lot of work to implement it
I have not yet Added functionality for citywalllevel startingvalues, but most likely I´ll let the starting cities start at level 7 per default and randomize the neutral cities a bit. Possibly we will add options in the hosting for controling this. Or maybe some kind of randomize for starting cities also (but giving all the players the same level)
Its a bit slow going, but I also found a bunch of bugs regarding hero leveling at the same time as conquering a new city as well as a bug for endturn-sync-phase of city updates, so I guess thats good also
After this is done, the next thing in pipeline for me is the possibility to set your fightorder, i.e. in what order your units will do battle...