Eye Can See You [5.0] is submitted for review.

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Eye Can See You [5.0] is submitted for review.

Postby Nepets » Mon Sep 23, 2013 7:28 pm

New map: Eye Can See You [5.0] by Nepets.
Map editor link: Eye Can See You [5.0]

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Joined: Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:12 pm

Re: Eye Can See You [5.0] is submitted for review.

Postby KGB » Tue Sep 24, 2013 2:19 am

What a map! Extremely visually pleasing.

But what is the purpose of it? There is only 2 entrances/exits to each players land. One they can invade another player with and one that another player can invade them with (due to how long it takes to reach each entry point). This is going to lead to stalemates where each player brings a massive horde of armies to the 2 entry points and build towers and await the enemy with very little progress being made.

And certainly no one is going to spend 20+ turns to actually reach the middle and search all ruins when there is little else there worth going for.

It's too bad you prevented Elementals from sneaking through the lava. It might have been a novel way to break through at a point of your choosing by having a Hero with ash-walk ride a horde of Elementals.

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