DD Ansalon [10.0] is submitted for review.

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DD Ansalon [10.0] is submitted for review.

Postby Tim » Fri Apr 10, 2015 9:42 am

New map: DD Ansalon [10.0] by Tim.
Map editor link: DD Ansalon [10.0]

Posts: 484
Joined: Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:25 pm

Re: DD Ansalon [10.0] is submitted for review.

Postby Tim » Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:00 am


Last Changes from 8.0 to 10.0

- Dimernost has now selected units to buy(Flyers, Waterunits and a few more) and is Coastal
- The two Icve Islands in the East have now acces to Ports
- White Player: Added a Coastal City with RiverPort at the East Coast and deleted the City of Deep Ice there as exchange, Moved the City of Two Forks a little NO and added some Roads there, Added some Roads from Khormesh to Qindara and changed the Position of a Site there, Added a Watch Tower(6) in the West and added a Port in the West near the Lvl1
- Added a Port near Tarsis
- Thorbardin has now a Passage to the SW (Road between the Lvl2 and the MoneySite)
- Orange Player: Added Roads in the Forest to faster reach Pensdale
- Green Player: Moved the Port at Phalinost a little North, Closed the Passage to Khuri Khan through the Waste for protecting Black a little because of his central Position sourrounded by all...
- Black Player: Moved the Money Site that yblack can reach Hopes End more Easily, Added some Vulcanic Terrain so Black can Reach Haligoth with Elements
- Blue Player: Longer River at Maelgoth and deleted the Bridge for Placing a Ford/in Exchange the Ford NO of Maelgoth with a Bridge
- Teal Player: Added some Roads near the Capital that you can reach the Sourrunded Cities mostly in 1 Turn, Added Ports in the West that you can reach faster Kalaman
- Red Player: Added some Roads in the South near Ssthik
- Yellow Player: Nothing ;)

Preview Changes from 6.0 to 8.0

-Only some small Terrain fixes
-Added a Port to the Northeastern Isle i forget there

Preview Changes from 5.0 to 6.0

- Changed some Names
- Delete a Port near Green at Pashir. Moved another Port there.
- Deleted the River Port near Sstik
- Add a Port west of North Keep
- Some Minor ;) Terrain Changes

Preview Changes from 4.0 to 5.0

- Added different Setups for FFA, 3v3 etc...
- Added some Income Buldings, mostly on Sea
- Added 1 Lvl1 Ruin and 1 Lvl2 Ruin
- Makes 3 Cities sourrounding the Capitals with static Income of 30/40 and at eastern Isle 2 Cities with 60.
- Upgrading Singposts
- Less Random Settings at Cities. Mostly giving the Cities at Sea/Rivers a Mid Level Wall.
- Default Setting for the Lvl1 Ruin at Eastern and Western starting Position: 1 Skeleton and only Gold no Item
- Default Setting for next Lvl2 on these Positions: 5 Skeletons Defense only
- Coastal Cities Sourrunding the Eastern Isle Starting Position have no Walls
- Some but not many Cities are now Poor
Posts: 484
Joined: Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:25 pm

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