I think you misunderstood or misread my suggestion. The entrances should be moved to the opposite end of the alley where the player starts. So, logically, that encourages exploring the entire side. In fact, he has to pass through his entire native territory to reach the exit. Right now the opposite is the case: the only objective on the map is to take one city.
Forget about trench warfare. That was a misnomer. Trench warfare isn't necessarily bad, but this is not what happens. What happens is that the first player to take and fortify the central city across from the other player's towers wins the game. It's that simple.
The elemental thing is nice, and I do like the idea of encouraging the use of unique tactics. But there are several flaws.
#1 Elementals are far too slow, and the cost of moving over lava is 3! This is huge. The only potential fix is to create a road-through-lava connecting the two players, which can only be accessed in the first place by Elementals.
#2 The wealthiest area is the center, which is easily and permanently controlled by the first player to blockade his enemy with one city. From there it's a smorgasbord of free cash and items, which vaults that player permanently into the lead. The only way for that player to lose is for them to royally screw up, like not protecting their backside from Elementals who need at least 3 turns to even reach them.
#3 As there is only one potential tactic open to the underdog player, they have lost by predictability. The other player knows that their only option is to resort to elementals, and so even if that were a very strong tactic the underdog could never gain an advantage with it over the stronger player if the stronger player has anything but oatmeal for brains. Think of a strong hitter in baseball, who knows that the only thing the Pitcher can throw is a fast ball. The hitter has already won, unless he's just incompetent.
My suggestion will simply remove the players from each other's throats so that there is some time before they engage one another. This actually removes the reward for rushing to the center, and encourages all of the things you'd like to see on your map.