by LPhillips » Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:51 pm
This map is absurdly imbalanced. It needs to be removed from ladder play immediately. The biggest need is to set the spawns very carefully for each gametype, but that won't correct the extreme inequalities between the spawns. Many play types need to be disabled, and 1v1 particularly needs to have set spawns. The game has a habit of spawning one player in the perimeter (where there are precious few cities, and far between) and another in the middle. This is even more unacceptable when one player is spawned in the swamp, the poorest location of all, and must spend 3-4 turns to reach 4 cities while another player may already have over 20.
Unimedia, I have enjoyed your maps immensely and hope to see this map refined into a ladder map for future play. It's quite attractive already, and I certainly mean no offense to your mapmaking ability. It's just not at all ready for ladder play.
Edit: Typo Correction
Last edited by
LPhillips on Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:13 am, edited 1 time in total.