I believe he means too many roads from the capitol to nearby cities. Dark Blue has nice roads to 4 nearby cities then a fast boat journey to several more just south all connected by roads. Compare that to Green who has NO roads or Light Blue who has very few roads/cities. Those 2 sides need the most help and Dark Blue needs to lose all the roads to the cities north of the capitol (he can keep the road to the city just 2 squares south of him). It would really help Green if you were allowed to specify units in the capitol because then you could give him Dwarves making all those hills into roads. Maybe in Beta6.
I'm in an 8 player FFA game right now on this map (version 1 I think) and so far it's OK. There are 6 players remaining (2 quit as opposed to being conquered) and 4 of those 6 have between 15-20 cities with the other 2 around 10. I can't tell if Dark Blue is still playing or not (it's not me nor can I see that starting spot).