by UNiMEDiA » Thu Jan 26, 2012 10:10 pm
Don\'t be tricked by the fact that some starting locations have more close cities than others. City number is only one factor of Warbarons. Income, unit production, map control and ruins are also important! This map offers four starting locations, each with different strengths and weaknesses.
In the northwest are the Forest Lords. The Forest Lords excel at producing fast, hard-hitting stacks that can strike deep in enemy territory all the while remaining relatively safe in their forest. The starting city for the Forest Lords is directly next to a strength and movement temple. A city nearby produces Medusa. Another produces green dragons. Three other cities produce elves, crows and eagles. There are also many ruins nearby -- meaning Forest Lords heroes can become quite strong.
In the northeast are the Horse Lords. The Horse Lords excel at high income, map vision and quick moving stacks that excel in open combat. The starting city for the Horse Lords is next to a movement temple, two other cities and many villages. The Horse Lords land is dotted with far-seeing look out towers. Use the speed and vision of the horse lords to repel invaders while you use your high income to purchase the correct units to make your decisive march into enemy territory!