1 on 1 style vs FFA style

Discuss strategies of warbarons

Re: 1 on 1 style vs FFA style

Postby LPhillips » Mon Apr 11, 2011 7:26 pm

No, actually, I don't. My armies are mostly one-turn crap. Random city production plays an absolutely huge role. Take the Woodslandia game where I eliminated two players and grew to twice anyone's size on the stats page --players with half my resources are actually stronger than me because they have something other than light cavalry to use.

I had a very good chance to win when I could have killed Elion with a few stacks and taken those 22 cities. I didn't grow too fast at all; my problem is that I stopped growing. If I had simply relentlessly attacked one of you earlier, I'd have won easily. Or if I had eliminated Elion. No offense intended to him, but I have played him in a few games and knew he was a mediocre player. I took pity. That will absolutely be the last time for non-strategic mercy, and certainly the last time I trust him.

Actually, I'll probably hunt him relentlessly in every game we play from now on, like I do to a few others.

Zorro is right about the flaws of that map. There must be more cities around the chokepoints. Otherwise, the map is stupid. And bad income is a problem on a lot of maps, not just that one. I had 39 cities and an income of about 740. The average city income means you stagnate at around turn 20. That can be a good thing if it forces you to move, but it can't force you to move if there is only one city within reach on each side of the chokepoint. Points of conflict like that must have more than one accessible target, or there must be a way to go around the chokes.
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Joined: Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:25 am


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