piranha wrote:I've mostly read about the Ukraine thing in various Swedish media where they are called pro russian rebels.
Ghm... Let me suppose these sources with low probability will tell any truth about Russia.
How do you think what countries stimulate EU to get more sanctions against Russia?
Here they are: USA, Britain, Poland, Sweden.
1. USA already imposed sanctions against Russia, they were initiators, also US media started world-wide anti-Russian propaganda.
2. Britain. This is little brother of USA. Did you know that George Bush had a dog in Britain? It was poodle. What is the name of the poodle? This was Tony Blaire. Media told about this a dozen years ago, then Bush was forced to excuse this. You may read something of this here:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_politics/2721513.stmhttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 00760.htmlThe question: Who is now 'Bush's poodle'?
3. Poland. Polish Foreign Minister told to the member of leading Polish political party that they make blow job for americans for nothing.
You may read about this here:
http://www.newsweek.com/we-gave-america ... ter-255863(in Polish)
http://www.wprost.pl/ar/453226/Rozmowa- ... ierewicza/Also Poland asks to USA to open more military bases on Polish territory.
4. Sweden. What country helped Britain to arrest the best fighter for the freedom of information, Julian Assange? What country found the girl-friend youth to fabricate accusation? You're right, it's Sweden.
Do you really expect to watch truth in Sweden media?

Well, reading only in Sweden how can you hope to get true information about world events?
piranha wrote:Considering how the invasion on Krim Putin denied that they were Russian and the soldiers denied being Russian too I don't see much reason to trust what they call themselves or what Putin says.
Krym was a part of Russia very long time, till 1954, when this part of Russia was given to Ukraine as a gift. Soviet leader didn't ask the people of Krym do they wish to be ukrainians or not. Willful decision. Now people of Krym have made referendum where they clearly said what they want - to be a part of Russia. Without any military operation, using only civil institutes. I don't understand why so many noise were about it. After being in captivity during 60 years (1954-2014) Krym is now part of Russia again.
Piranha, if you will tell more detail about what did you tell that 'Putin denied', may be I will help you more to know the truth.
piranha wrote:Just looking at what the rebels done so far to me it seems obvious they are not normal civilians who riot but a trained organised army.
What the rebels done?
Anybody can say 'they done', it's so easy. That is should be why american propaganda, including his part through friendly Sweden media, has such success: all is very simple, no facts, just enough to state that the facts exist: they did, and doesn't matter what they did.
Piranha, you may be looking being deep in captivity of empty words
piranha wrote:We all have our own opinion based on what we read and hear and mine is that those rebels are Putins boys running Putins war business.
You're right in the part that every one can have own oppinion whatever it is.
If you are satisfied with your current oppinion, it's so easy to plug your ears and close your eyes, then repeat: I know that american propaganda and Sweden media always tell me the truth, I don't know the facts and I don't need another information, I always believe to propaganda.
Though, if you suppose there is some lie in your country's media, pay some attention to Internet where so many sources of the info that no government is able strongly affect them.