A little video from Ukraine with English subtitles.

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Re: A little video from Ukraine with English subtitles.

Postby KGB » Mon Aug 04, 2014 1:13 am


Believe it or not, the over throw of the Ukranian Gov't that happened about a year ago was directly aided by the USA. Many of those who took part in the over throw belong to the Ukrainian neo-Nazi party.

Understand that these days news organizations pretty much think that Facism = Nazism when as you correctly note, Nazism is a specific form of Facism. Those in the Ukraine are basically White Supremacists who simply believe they are superior to everyone else and are not specifically anti-semites.

Sadly the US backs anyone these days who helps them achieve their short term goals. Unfortunately it tends to come back and bite them badly. Ukraine is just the latest example. Last year it was in Syria that the US basically backed Al Qaeda against the Syrian Gov't. Now those very weapons they gave are being used to over throw Iraq. The year before that it was helping the over throw Gaddafi in Libya when they helped arm the rebels. Now Libya is a mess and Al Qaeda practically rules there too. Afghanistan is a mess as the US withdraws and on and on it goes. So many long term problems from short term solutions.

The last successful US intervention was in Kuwait more than 20 years ago. Every country since has turned into a disaster.

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Re: A little video from Ukraine with English subtitles.

Postby gil » Mon Aug 04, 2014 9:51 am

in the last 20 yours 1M people from the old soviet union came to israel i did pick up same russian words but still cannot watch there TV channel i just dont understand what they say.

in the beginning of the year we watched tanks on TV and a live debate was going between 2 people from the old USSR.

one says all my relatives are russian and they live there so it should be russia territory.
the other one says this is our country russia is trespassing.
the rest of the debate was in russian

did israelis on your TV speak russian because although they are here i cannot understand russian.

i was hoping to lean a bit more from first hand. sorry for annoying ill let you russian speaking people sort it out for yourselves and mind my own business from now on.
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Re: A little video from Ukraine with English subtitles.

Postby gil » Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:13 am

KGB i was just thinking obama is stupid or as one of my american friends said it "he switched sides".

you have to understand that calling someone a nazi is not a small thing for most of the western world and especially israel.

there are many terrorists around the world who call themselves freedom fighters and using the truth will set you apart from them.

on a personal note i cannot believe the israeli government will refuse aid to anyone who wishes freedom and peaceful coexistence. the problem is trying to help without a direct request will make you seem like trying to intervene and create antagonism to a good cause.
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Re: A little video from Ukraine with English subtitles.

Postby Solo » Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:16 am

Hi, Gil,

gil wrote:nazis (supported by USA) sounds like a hoax

Yes it does. Firstly I had to say I do not dislike USA. I have frinds here. And I really like this country.
I think there are some men in government who make wrong thing what is about Ukraine.

There are some open information you could find yourself easy how USA supports Kiev government.
It is official USA army food shipping and non weapon things shipping like communication facilities, uniform etc.
Also there are half-official delivery of war materiels like Hammers (Ukrainian TV showed these Hummers shipping to Ukraine army).

I cannot cover all other delivery with documents, but there are much information about it. I speak about private military companies that send their soldiers to Ukraine to support Kiev gov.

I speak about diplomatic support of not legitimate current president Poroshenko. I could write much why he is not. For example, 1)he was elected during a war, 2)when a half of regions really did not voted. 3)Previouse president was not removed legitimately. 4) Voting was made with not legal weaponed detachments (Right Sector and others) who used weapon to force parliament delegates to vote for new laws (They was so stupid that made movies how they did it in Kiev and local parliaments). Et cetera.

There are much information how many official persons of USA supported nazi revolution before legal president (Yanukovich - he is very bad man, I dislike him, but really he is only legal voted perisident of Ukraine) went from Kiev. You could easily find it.

gil wrote:]what can the USA hope to achieve by helping nazis?

I do not know. There are many things we could not know about a big politics. I think all we could think out is partially or fully wrong because we have not full information that men rule our countries have. I could only make some my estimations.

gil wrote:what makes you say they are nazis?
Nazism = "a form of fascism that incorporates scientific racism and antisemitism"

I have reasons for it. I live here. I saw how all it raised for last 23 years and earlier.
Leaders of nazi revolution do not hide their views.
There are video where leader of parliament party Svoboda(Freedom) (recently this party changed name from "Social-Nazi Party of Ukraine") says he want to kill all Jews, Russians and Poles.
I give English links for you, but this is too soft for the party, really it is more dirty and dangerous.

All current parties, winners in government officially have nazi elements more or lesser and are fully nazi non officially.

Party leaders often said on TV they want to kill or remove all people of East Ukraine regions and then populate free land with race clear men from Ukrainian mountains (where as they think the best Ukrainians live). It was before 2014 and now. Now one of leader, Julia Timoshenko said she want to use nuclear bomb on Donetsk as these people does not support her nazi ideas. You could find all these open videos and information in internet.

The main idea of these winner parties is racially clear Ukrainian population in the country.
23 years Ukrainian newspapers and magazines wrote information that Ukrainians are the higest race in the world, and all other people are guilty for Ukraine, especially Jews, Poles and Russians. The same about TV.
It is each day usual things here. Many young men had got it in their brains.

Really I could write about nazism in modern Ukraine very very much...

BTW, some leaders of insurgents are jews, and they call current Kiev regime as nazi one.
Also you could speak with famous Ukrainian writer, Lev Vershinin (I loved his books when I was young), who is a Jew and who makes infotainment for insurgents.

Eastern and Southern Ukraine cities and towns are multinational and mainly without national or race enmity.
All nations live here in peace long time. It is such cities like Kharkov, Odessa and others with ancient and big Jewish community. It is modern scientific and industrial centers of the country. Meanwhile regions that support nazis are mainly mountainous and agricultural regions with conserved middle age traditions of national enmity.
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Re: A little video from Ukraine with English subtitles.

Postby Igor » Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:36 am

Fine analysis from KGB about results of US military activity. All countries where US military force put hands are now looking as nightmare.

Gil, it's not necessary study Russian to know all the truth. There are a lot of true material in English in Web, including the forum, from different independent authors. Also there are Russian sources in English. Just try to look and you should find.
If you are already back from the Moon ;) you are able to read a lot about the global policy and about events in Ukraine as a part of global policy which is made by US.
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Re: A little video from Ukraine with English subtitles.

Postby KGB » Mon Aug 04, 2014 1:56 pm

Solo wrote:
gil wrote:]what can the USA hope to achieve by helping nazis?

I do not know. There are many things we could not know about a big politics. I think all we could think out is partially or fully wrong because we have not full information that men rule our countries have. I could only make some my estimations.

The US goal is clear. They want the Ukraine to become part of NATO.

When the Soviet Union dissolved into several countries in 1990 the US promised the Russians that they would not 'encircle' Russia by bringing former Warsaw Pact countries (Poland, East Germany, Czech Republic etc) and former USSR states (Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine etc) into NATO. Well, that turned out to be a big lie as over the last 25 years the US has gradually brought former Warsaw Pact countries into NATO starting with East Germany and continuing eastward as you can see on this map about half way down the page.


You'll note that Ukraine is just about the last country needed to 'encircle' Russia. The former leader of Ukraine was not going to join NATO. That made the US unhappy so they were happy to help over throw him in hopes that the new party that is currently ruling there would join NATO. That would officially allow the US to establish bases there, bring missiles (including Nuclear) and come to Ukraine's aid in any dispute with Russia.

It should be obvious why Russia doesn't want that to happen.

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Re: A little video from Ukraine with English subtitles.

Postby Solo » Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:02 pm

I heared one thing from my pen friends from Hungary, Slovakia and Bulgaria. I do not khow is it true or not.
East European countries wanted to go to European Union. They thought their countries became as rich and fine as old European countries like Germany and France are. ;) But they was told they could not be inside EU till they will come into NATO, and only NATO membership will be a key to EU. Firstly NATO, then EU membership.
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Re: A little video from Ukraine with English subtitles.

Postby Igor » Mon Aug 04, 2014 9:33 pm

USA removed or tried to remove leaders in Iran, Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan, now Ukraine.
Looks like US attacks countries ruled by independent leaders, not controlled by US.
Some years ago I heard phrase: US have no equal allies, but either satellites or enemies.
Satellites' leaders friendly wag their tails :)
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Re: A little video from Ukraine with English subtitles.

Postby KGB » Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:36 pm

Those are just the recent ones since the Cold War ended and there are more than the ones you list:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covert_Uni ... ge_actions

Destabilizing foreign nations helps keep the US military industrial complex selling arms all over the world :)

Ultimately the goal in the Ukraine is to have them join NATO. Also the country is being bankrupted by this civil war so that the IMF (international monetary fund) can take over the Ukraine's finances and dictate terms of austerity to the people of Ukraine all in the name of them joining the EU as Solo noted.

Thus Russia gets encircled and the Ukraine is brought into NATO as a poor country that is easily controlled financially and militarily.

Lest you think it stops there, it doesn't. Next up is splitting off parts of Russia. Starting with Chechnya once the Ukraine is in line. The US is VERY careful to label them as Chechnyian rebels rather than terrorists. Even the attack in Boston was labeled as a rogue terrorist act rather than a Chechnyian terrorist/sympathizer. Terrorism can't be supported but freedom fighters can be either directly (money, arms) or indirectly (control of the press, political pressure).

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