TV channel RT, another view of the world

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TV channel RT, another view of the world

Postby Igor » Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:06 am

I heared that media in some countries give misleading information about world events.
If so, you may be wondered to watch what is really happening.
Objective look from different angles will give real vision of main events.
TV channel RT shows things as they are, it lets to get another view of the world.

to watch:
to read:
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Re: TV channel RT, another view of the world

Postby KGB » Tue May 13, 2014 4:37 am

Lets be clear. The media in every country is biased. They all give information slanted by their own countries viewpoints even if they are not deliberately attempting to do so. It's no different than asking a divorced couple who was to blame for the divorce.

The Western Media now is mostly owned and controlled by a few corporations. 20 years ago that wasn't the case and there was lots of independent news sources (newspapers, tv, radio, magazines etc). But in the last 20 years most of the small ones are out of business or bought up by the large ones so that now there are only 2-3 major news outlets in the US. So how they represent news to the US citizen is now all slanted toward the US viewpoint of the world.

BBC (British Broadcasting Corp) sometimes provides another viewpoint but often the UK and US interests are aligned and so you don't get a big difference unless it's a European only matter. Interestingly we now get Al Jezeera, the Arab news feed, at least where I live so its quite interesting to see how they report events compared to the US/UK news stations.

But make no mistake. Every country reports the news in a biased manner.

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Re: TV channel RT, another view of the world

Postby Igor » Tue May 13, 2014 6:33 pm

The Government of each country reflects their views through the media.
In order to obtain an objective view of the events in the world, better to gather as much information as possible and let it be from a variety of sources, some of which are diametrically opposed to each other.
We in Russia have long been accustomed to be critical of the local media. Even in times of USSR we listened to radio BBC. And with the advent of the Internet a huge information field has become available. So today people are able to gather complete information about what is happening.
However, I have heard that in the US people refer to their media is not very critical and believe everything that they write, and agree with this information without conducting a critical analysis. In such circumstances, the obtained information is likely to be incomplete and one-sided, and the essence of what is happening is understood wrong. That is why need something different than US media.
RT channel leads opinion and gives view, not based on the position of the U.S. government. The information is presented clearly and openly with calm rhetoric. That's why I recommend this channel for those who want to understand the events in the world.
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Re: TV channel RT, another view of the world

Postby Igor » Thu May 15, 2014 6:21 am

KGB wrote:BBC (British Broadcasting Corp) sometimes provides another viewpoint but often the UK and US interests are aligned and so you don't get a big difference unless it's a European only matter. Interestingly we now get Al Jezeera, the Arab news feed, at least where I live so its quite interesting to see how they report events compared to the US/UK news stations.

I don't know have you ability to watch something of Russian channels: "First", "Russia", "Russia 24" and are these channels broadcasted in US.
I usually read RBC Internet site (SNN based I heared) and listen to the Best-FM radio (don't know the base of it, but something from West) and many Internet sites.
If it's connected to Russian inner policy I very like to use Western media to get critisism of it. And I can't believe to local media which tried to show inner situation better than it is.
But when it's connected with what happens in countries where there is war, I know that all what Kremlin wish is to stop the war.
I compared rhetoric of Western based media in Russia with rhetoric of Russian media about Ukraine, where big part of citizens wish to see their country as federative one. Russian media called them supporters of federalism. At my look this is real thing. But Western based media called them rebels and even terrorists, that is absolutely wrong thing, but perhaps sounds good for US Government.
Anyway I think useful to hear it to understand Western targets. But I can't say I like them though (don't like when wars happen)
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Re: TV channel RT, another view of the world

Postby KGB » Thu May 15, 2014 10:03 pm


Are these channels broadcast in English or subtitled? I don't speak a word of Russian. It's always interesting to see another viewpoint.

Most of the US population (66%) believes we have no business in Ukraine at all just as they didn't believe we had any in Syria or Iraq etc. It's only the Gov't and the big business that stands to benefit from conflict that is interested getting involved.

It's *very* likely the US backed the initial overthrow of the Ukrainian Gov't. Unfortunately for them they didn't get the result they wanted (Crimea splitting off, now Eastern Ukraine threatening to do the same). So now they want to stage another overthrow hoping for a different result which is the one they want.

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Re: TV channel RT, another view of the world

Postby Igor » Mon May 19, 2014 6:15 am

KGB wrote:I don't speak a word of Russian. It's always interesting to see another viewpoint.

Channel RT can bring you this in English.
You may find link to it in first post.
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Re: TV channel RT, another view of the world

Postby Igor » Tue Aug 19, 2014 11:39 pm

Kiev regime orders crackdown on Ukrainian providers broadcasting Russian TV channels.
Russian channels show information objectively and this doesn't liked by the regime which don't wish common people knowing the truth.
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