Washington’s attitude toward Ukraine and EU

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Washington’s attitude toward Ukraine and EU

Postby Igor » Thu Jul 10, 2014 2:55 pm

Just found Paul Craig Roberts' article about what Washington does in the world, dated 6th of February.
The Author of the article Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following.
Was interesting to know from the article how much 'democratic work' has done by Washington and about US administration's real attitude toward EU.
This is link to the Roberts' website where the article is placed
http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/02 ... s-ukraine/
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Re: Washington’s attitude toward Ukraine and EU

Postby SCIkick » Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:18 am

Well, passenger flight gets shot down in the region...So now what should Washington do?
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Re: Washington’s attitude toward Ukraine and EU

Postby KGB » Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:48 am

Nuke em till they glow ;)

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Re: Washington’s attitude toward Ukraine and EU

Postby Solo » Sun Jul 20, 2014 12:01 am

SCIkick wrote:Well, passenger flight gets shot down in the region...So now what should Washington do?

Some information about the plane:
1. In March someone steals a malaysian Boуing. Maybe it was moved to Diego Garcia base.
2. Probably the same plane was moved then to Holland and then started to Malaysia. There was no lived passengers on the board, only dead bodies. In the needed place it was crashed.
3. All founded passports are very new, just printed (wait... the plane was burned-out).
Some passports have holes - usual way in Holland to mark wrong docs.
4. Founded dead bodies are very old died, not in time of aircrush. They badly smell and was decomposed a long time.
5. There are no real kins of these passengers on TV.
6. Board numbers of two plnes are almost the same - 9M-MRO (in March) and 9M-MRD (now).
7. Some "passengers" made their empty facebook accounts in one the same day at April 21 (after the first boeing was stollen). (Yep, they knew they all will want to fly in one the same plane and die.)
8. Normal, each day way of this flight goes southward. Suddenly this time ukrainian airline operators directed the plane to north to the war place zone.
9. Two ukrainian air force destroyers was near the plane just before the crash.
10. Big fragments of the plane have typical holes as if a destroyer air-gun shooted it.

All the story of the plane crash smells very very badly... :(
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Re: Washington’s attitude toward Ukraine and EU

Postby Igor » Sun Jul 20, 2014 4:20 am

I heard that Ukrainian freedom fighters have many times said that they haven't such weapon which is able to reach so high flying object, thus they had no ability to do this. Unlike new ukrainian regime, which have.
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Re: Washington’s attitude toward Ukraine and EU

Postby SCIkick » Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:29 pm

Okay, so really what you are implying is that Malaysian Airlines is nothing more than a covert arm of the CIA or some other, even more sinister clandestine entity?
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Re: Washington’s attitude toward Ukraine and EU

Postby Igor » Sun Jul 20, 2014 3:48 pm

SICkick wrote:Okay, so really what you are implying is that Malaysian Airlines is nothing more than a covert arm of the CIA or some other, even more sinister clandestine entity?

CIA said a pair months ago that it's agents didn't fight in Ukraine, they only trained Ukrainian official regime how to fight.
Most known result of this training was the burning of people in Odessa, there is the material about this here on the forum.
Next result of the training could be how to bring down a passenger plane. If the plane was shot during flight over South-East of Ukraine, as evidenced by the characteristic signs of the wreckage, and when South-Eastern republics had no technical ability to do this, this can mean only that new Ukrainian regime could do this.

In the time when EU official persons are calling for an end to violence in the South-East of Ukraine, US administration's attitude is (quoted from Nuland) Fuck the EU. As usually for US toward EU.
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Re: Washington’s attitude toward Ukraine and EU

Postby KGB » Sun Jul 20, 2014 6:31 pm

What Solo wrote about a conspiracy is making its rounds on the internet and is amusing. But it's easily disproved by anyone with common sense.

REAL people boarded that plane in Holland and they actually exist and have relatives. There are visual camera records of passengers actually getting on a plane. There is a flight path that is taken DAILY. The plane left from a major airport with a living breathing pilot aboard. All aircraft parts are marked with serial numbers (in the same manner car parts are marked with serial numbers to prevent stolen cars from dismantled and being sold as 'new' parts).

This is not the missing Malaysian plane. No one could have known months ago they would need to 'steal' a plane to fake it being shot out of the sky.

Either Ukraine shot it down by accident (as they have done before so they have a record of doing this) or the Rebels did. I highly doubt Russia did since they have NOTHING to gain by doing so.

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Re: Washington’s attitude toward Ukraine and EU

Postby Igor » Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:43 pm

EU countries, Russia, USA should be above suspicion, each of the countries theoretically could but no one did.

South-Eastern republics technically couldn't. No necessary weapon, no wish, and no worth.

Ukrainian regime could. There is necessary weapon, there is the worth to put big attention of the world to South-Eastern question which regime can't solve by force and don't wish to negotiate. Ukrainian regime are interested to raise world attention to this and they could shoot down the plain.
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Re: Washington’s attitude toward Ukraine and EU

Postby Igor » Mon Jul 21, 2014 11:21 am

Today Ukrainian regime issued a document banning flights over areas of fighting with ... July 14. (Question, why put a ban from already passed the date? Not clear.)
Place of the crash and place of spread wreckage were under fire of Ukrainian enforcers. Only today the Ukrainian regime stopped shelling the place of the crash.

Downed aircraft was flying at an altitude of 10 kilometers, only Ukrainian regime possessed weapons sufficient killing distance to reach the object at that height.
If the Ukrainian regime did this, this could be said with confidence that they would not have done this without the consent of the United States. Ukrainian leader is a puppet of the U.S. government and he could not make a single serious step without a command from Washington.
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