Washington’s attitude toward Ukraine and EU

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Re: Washington’s attitude toward Ukraine and EU

Postby KGB » Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:57 pm

I am still trying to figure out if it was for certain a BUK missile that shot the plane down.

If you read the technical specs of the BUK system, it's designed to close to around 100-300m of an aircraft and then explode sending 50000-100000 fragments into the aircraft filling it with holes.

When I look at the photos of the plane wreckage it doesn't look like it is filled with holes...

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Re: Washington’s attitude toward Ukraine and EU

Postby Igor » Mon Jul 21, 2014 6:18 pm

KGB wrote:When I look at the photos of the plane wreckage it doesn't look like it is filled with holes...

Is it possible that only you see this? ;)
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Re: Washington’s attitude toward Ukraine and EU

Postby KGB » Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:38 pm

https://www.google.com/search?q=mh17+wr ... 0#imgdii=_

There is a link to photo's of the wreckage.

Look at the pieces of the Hull that are NOT burned. Do any of those pieces show holes in them that would be consistent with a missile exploding into 50,000-100,000 fragments. They should be full of small holes like you would see if someone used a shotgun.

It just doesn't look like what I expect to see. This looks a lot more like what you expect to see if the plane was hit with an air-2-air missile fired from a plane that exploded the gas tanks.

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Re: Washington’s attitude toward Ukraine and EU

Postby Igor » Mon Jul 21, 2014 10:45 pm

Nope, I haven't found holes... I watched a row of wide pieces, may be 20, and just one of them has 2 little holes and second one has one hole, other pieces have no holes. This doesn't look like a bolter. Anyway I think that there is no expert evaluation about this, thus the reason of crushing of the plane is still under investigation. We know only that it could be 2 possible reasons: ukrainian war-plane or ukrainian Buk system. I prefer to wait when experts will say the word.

But now we can see that both possible reasons are owned by UKrainian regime.
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Re: Washington’s attitude toward Ukraine and EU

Postby Igor » Tue Jul 22, 2014 1:03 pm

KGB wrote:I am still trying to figure out if it was for certain a BUK missile that shot the plane down.
If you read the technical specs of the BUK system, it's designed to close to around 100-300m of an aircraft and then explode sending 50000-100000 fragments into the aircraft filling it with holes.
When I look at the photos of the plane wreckage it doesn't look like it is filled with holes...

I think that experts of international air organization will tell the expert word soon.
But already now this is possible to say something.

Firstly, I also watched the photos of the wreckage and saw no little holes KGB has spoken about.
Further, the distance between the Boeing and Su-25 was 3-5 kilometers. Boeing was flying at the height of 10 kilometers over the ground.
Thus the question: if a Buk system had made a shot, how possible that this shot could got the wrong target? Or both the targets? (if Buk system sends 50000-100000 fragments into the aircraft)

This looks like very probably that another target could be got with Buk. So I think this was the air-air missile from Ukrainian Su-25.
Otherwise I can't explain why the Boeing started to falling down exactly after the Su-25 had appeared.

And I also can't explain what did the american spy-satellite do in the same time in the same area, and why we still see no photos from it.
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