A little video from Ukraine with English subtitles.

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A little video from Ukraine with English subtitles.

Postby Solo » Sat Aug 02, 2014 2:00 pm


Video from my country. It is how nazis (supported by USA) kill peaceful people of Donbas, women and children.
Our people rised in rebellion againsd nazis junta in Kiev and now junta's army destroys our towns and kills our people. All it occurs near my town. Please look this video with truth from my land. Only our hope is if Russia will save our lifes...
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Re: A little video from Ukraine with English subtitles.

Postby Solo » Sat Aug 02, 2014 2:07 pm

Nazis use non conventional weapon of mass destruction against towns and villages filled with non combatant people. They kill us only because we do not want ot live in one country with these murderers. I hope one day in the nearest future these criminals of war will be criminated by military tribunal like in Nuremberg after the WW2.
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Re: A little video from Ukraine with English subtitles.

Postby Solo » Sat Aug 02, 2014 2:22 pm

Please, my friends, could you say about this real and truthful video to as many people as possible. I want people in USA and Europe know truth about Ukraine and Poroshenko and other fascists.
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Re: A little video from Ukraine with English subtitles.

Postby gil » Sat Aug 02, 2014 3:16 pm

Solo i have 0 knowledge of the conflict in the movie

can you please update me on the basics

is there a civil war in ukraine?
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Re: A little video from Ukraine with English subtitles.

Postby Igor » Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:43 pm

Today in many countries people came to Ukraine embassy to express sorrow for the 48 killed people, officially recognized, which were doused with napalm and burned alive by punishers of new Ukrainian power.
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Re: A little video from Ukraine with English subtitles.

Postby Solo » Sun Aug 03, 2014 10:29 am

Hi, Gil,

Igor wrote:Today in many countries people came to Ukraine embassy to express sorrow for the 48 killed people, officially recognized, which were doused with napalm and burned alive by punishers of new Ukrainian power.

Firstly, a little history. Many people in the world do not know some facts about my country. You could read this in wikipedia and in serious sources.

Ukraine earlier was a part of Russia before 1917. Ukrainians and Russians are very near (close) and almost identical peoples. Some scientists think Russian and Ukrainian languages are one the same language with some close dialects, other scientists think they are two very close but different Slavonic languages. Anyway these two languages are closer then different dialects of German. In Russia before 1917 Ukrainians, Belarussian and (modern) Russians was considered as one the same nation, Russians.

After Russian revolution of 1917, There was 5 respublics on territory of modern Ukraine: Crimean Respublic, Odessa Soviet Respublic, Donetsk Respublic (with my city Kharkov as a capital), Ukrainian Respublic (Kiev as a capital) and West-Ukrainian Respublic (Lviv as a capital), also Carpathian Russia was a part of Hungary.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donetsk%E2 ... t_Republic
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Ukrai ... s_Republic
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File: ... _y_RSO.png

Stalin united 3 of them as Soviet Ukraine in 1921.
In 1939 Stalin took from Poland West Ukraine.
After the World War 2 Stalin joined also Carpathian Russia to Soviet Ukraine.
And Nikita Khrushchev gave Crimea to Soviet Ukraine in 1954 as a present for Russian-Ukrainian unity celebration.
Inside of USSR there was no real borders between Russia and Ukraine, only administrative borders.
When the Cold War was finished and USSR surrendered, winners divided USSR for 15 parts. And after 1991 Ukraine beginned independed inside borders made by Stalin and Khrushchev. Ukraine is not mono-nation state.
There are here Ukrainians, Russians, Belarussians, Bulgarians, Poles, Hungarians, Jews, Tatars and other with different religions. Most of Ukrainians and Russians are Orthodox, West Ukrainians (Halychane) are Catholics. there are also Muslims, Jews and others.

After 1991 Kiev government became politics of one nation, one religion, one fuhrer.
Step by step our country moved to nazi regime as in Germany in 1934-1945.
After nazi revolution in begin of 2014, part of people wanted to do not live in one the same country with fascists. Firstly Crimea rased. It is multi-nation region with Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Jews and other nations who wanted to be part of Russia as it was before 1954. Then people of NovoRussia demanded freedom from Kiev.

Nazi government of Kiev trampled with blood peaceful insurrection of NewRussia people in Odessa, Kherson, Nikolaev, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhie and Kharkov regions. But people of Donetsk and Lugansk regions took weapon in arms and became protect our land from nazis. We want to be not part of Ukraine. We want to have an independent country Novorossia (New Russia) with multi-nation, multi-religion democratic people modern state without that mediaeval horror of nazism.

And yes, it is a civil war... :(

Now nazi army of Kiev destruct our land they use artillery agains towns and villages then come in and shoot down non-combatants if they think they sympathize with rebels. Many thousands of East Ukrainians was killed. More many ran to Russia to save their life.

Also I heared one of reason is shale gas that was found in my land. Kiev government gave this gas to Royal Dutch oil company (I forgot the name) and the company had to buy land from local men before gas work.
After the war when all people will be killed or moved from the land there will not reason to pay mone to someone...

Anyway now my people is in danger. Each day some civils are killed with Kiev nazi army. People of the world must know this truth. We need to be saved from this terrible war. United Nation must force current Kiev government to stop murder.
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Re: A little video from Ukraine with English subtitles.

Postby gil » Sun Aug 03, 2014 12:36 pm

please feel free to ignore my posts if you find them offencive in any way. it's obvious your emotions are strong on the issue, i know nothing about this, i did see tanks on TV at the start of the year and was thinking what ever it was its over.

lets c if i get this
your current situation is:

as we speak your peaceful people are being killed for wanting there own state?

you wish to have your own independent country "Novorossia", the territory of that country will include only people who wish to be a part of that country, you have no territorial claims on kiev and after you get your state you will gladly live in peace with the kiev state?

the nazi government of kiev wish to hold your people against there will and not allow you to have you own state?

russia as the old owner of the land just sit aside doing nothing?

the rest of the world have no idea whats going on ?
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Re: A little video from Ukraine with English subtitles.

Postby Solo » Sun Aug 03, 2014 1:47 pm

as we speak your peaceful people are being killed for wanting there own state?

Not all of us are peaceful. Some men took weapon and try to protect their homeland.
But there are no usual war here - nazi army use not conventional weapon to kill citizens.
They even destruct towns and settlement to the ground where there are no any military forces.

you wish to have your own independent country "Novorossia", the territory of that country will include only people who wish to be a part of that country, you have no territorial claims on kiev and after you get your state you will gladly live in peace with the kiev state?

Yes, we wanted to make civilized division without blood and problems, as for exampleб Czech and Slovak respublics during Dissolution of Czechoslovakia did:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissolutio ... hoslovakia
We organized a referendum and awaited normal country division.
It was expected that all city, town and village could make own decision in what country live.
And of course we wanted to live in peace with other part of Ukraine.

the nazi government of kiev wish to hold your people against there will and not allow you to have you own state?

Of course it is a problem for any country - how to react for wish of part of population to live separately...
But I think it is not right to kill men that are not agree with your politics.
We lived together 23 years and it was not good but we endured.
The Nazi revolution went over the red line.

One more thing I need to say in addition.
We speak not about such two countries like Germany and Italy or France, that live independently one from another very long time and have different population. We speak about a new country with not settled borders that was drawn artifically by Lenin and Stalin.
Ukraine in borders of 1991 year was an experimental country with very different population united artifically.
The project failed. 23 years is rather enough to understand it.

russia as the old owner of the land just sit aside doing nothing?

Yes they only are speaking. Putin promised to protect population of Novorossia, but still did not do it.
Of course some men from Russia and other countries came here to help as, as it was during war in Spain.
I know here are men from Russia, Belarussia, Poland, Hungary, Serbia and other countries, as volunteers, who help us to defend oneselves. But main part of militiamen are local habitans, citizens of former Ukraine.

the rest of the world have no idea whats going on?

I do not know that the rest of the world know really.
But I read foreign newspapers and see TV and I see that they mostly say not truth.
It is ruefully...
It is like another planet. I read news and I am shoking. :(
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Re: A little video from Ukraine with English subtitles.

Postby gil » Sun Aug 03, 2014 10:24 pm

nazis (supported by USA) sounds like a hoax

what can the USA hope to achieve by helping nazis?

what makes you say they are nazis?
Nazism = "a form of fascism that incorporates scientific racism and antisemitism"
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Re: A little video from Ukraine with English subtitles.

Postby Igor » Sun Aug 03, 2014 10:56 pm

hey gil, how long was you on the Moon or somewhere else that you don't know even something about such the world-wide event connected with US, Russia, EU, Canada and Australia?
(btw, tell me somebody what's the interest of the last 2 countries in this)

Some brave Israeli citizens said to Russian news agency in the may that there are no problems to send a thousand well equipped fighters to help rebels in Odessa if they will ask to come.
Should be you gil are not one of these guys.

Instead of asking to explain you all from first events, firstly watch the forum and other independent sources about this and you will know many interesting things that official pro-American newspapers will never inform you. ;)
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