Humanitarian catastrophe: dead city

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Humanitarian catastrophe: dead city

Postby Igor » Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:53 pm

OSCE observers reported about the alarming humanitarian situation in Lugansk

In Lugansk, after 22 hours of shelling has become the alarming humanitarian situation. This is reported by the observers of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). In their view, the situation in the city is alarming - stores are closed, the water and the bread is almost impossible to get, people are forced to bury the dead bodies in the garden. Everything seen in Lugansk observers set out in the report released today, the daily report. It special OSCE monitoring mission describes the events that took place on August 7, ITAR-TASS reported.
With reference to the people running of Lugansk, observers report that the city has no electricity, water, mobile phone, and that he had been virtually non-stop shelling from 4 am to 2 am the next morning. About who spent the shelling, the report does not say.
Internally displaced people told OSCE observers that almost all shops, including a pharmacy, closed, food goes to be ended.
"Drinking water and bread almost impossible to buy, and the water from the tap is not purified," - the report says. Buddies observers also told them that people bury the dead bodies in the gardens, as funeral services will no longer work. Similarly, no effect, and public transport, on the move are only a few ambulances.
Refugees reported that in the city, which prior to the collision between the Ukrainian army and militia lived 420 thousand people, there are only those who care for relatives who can not walk, or those who have no money.

The original text (in Russian)
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Re: Humanitarian catastrophe: dead city

Postby Igor » Fri Aug 08, 2014 9:02 pm

US ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, said at a meeting of the UN Security Council, that Russia should not provide humanitarian assistance to Ukraine.
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Re: Humanitarian catastrophe: dead city

Postby Igor » Fri Aug 08, 2014 10:40 pm

This is how "glorious Ukrainian army" shells residential buildings.
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