Plunder vs. Raze

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Plunder vs. Raze

Postby ams16 » Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:30 pm

Is there a reason that Razing a city doesn't get you the gold that you would get from plundering it? Is this going to be changed in Beta4?
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Re: Plunder vs. Raze

Postby KGB » Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:43 pm


It was meant to force the attacker to chose between razing a city (and getting nothing) or getting the gold.

The game should not automatically give the gold on raze. You should instead be able to plunder first then self raze the city to achieve the effect you want (how DLR did it).

Why the 2 step process you ask. Well with quests coming in Beta4, you can now have a quest to 'raze a city' or 'occupy a city' or 'plunder X amount of gold'. Completing the raze quest will mean you don't get the gold so you have to chose between completing the quest and taking the gold. The same with an occupy quest, you won't get to plunder the gold if you want to complete the quest.

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