That means that Ambush must always be quite limited in its application.
Your right about that. Hence why I suggested dropping Gp Ambush entirely from Ghosts and increasing the individual value on Orcs/Wolfriders/Ghosts so that only they + Medusa have that power. Then cap the Assassin at 25% Gp Ambush.
Second, it's always nonsensical to compare units and unit applications in a vacuum. No one imagines that piles of Heavy Infantry in a city are really a viable strategy, and you don't see it used successfully (except with Ambush!!) simply because Ambush is not comparable to other group powers
But on the other hand it's not a viable argument to claim that a bunch of Gryphons in a city with a RD getting some Gp Ambush means Ambush is over powered when most of the deaths in a battle like that come from the Gryphon's regular combat not the Ambush. The overpowering problem is the fact that ALL of those things (Gryphon city bonus, RD Morale bonus, Ambush bonus) stack thanks to how cities work so that in order to fight the Gryphon/Dragon combo in a city you need a Gryphon/Dragon combo of your own OR units with Ambush. Because if you think Gryphons/RD+70% Gp Ambush is preventing you from taking a city with your own Gryphons wait till its Gryphon/RD/Devil/Unicorn in there instead and the defender fights at 55+ while your own fight at 33. You'll be wishing it was only Gp Ambush you had to face.
If the stacking in cities was changed (as it should be) then only 1 stack could get the high Gp Ambush with the others would only get a watered down amount (1/4) which is similar to your suggestion but waters down all the bonus's because they all need it.
Anyway, I'd be happy to see the introduction of some further powers later on, like Poisoning. However, it should only work on cities. The ability to hammer a city and weaken it by careful use of unit abilities is nice. The ability to do the same to our already super-fragile hero stacks is not.
Agree it should only work on cities. The most obvious to me would be a Plague power carried by Giant Rats that only worked in cities.