I've been playing Warbarons for less than two months, so I don't know what has been discussed previously. The launch of the Premium Features seems like a good time to review the goals of the developers in addition to the goals of the community.
There seems to be a portion of the community that feels they are entitled to enjoy the fruits of other people's labors at no cost to themselves. Perhaps that has been the stated intention of the developers, that they would devote countless hours creating and improving this web application (game) simply for the satisfaction of knowing that other people enjoy playing it.
If that's the case, then people should feel free to continue to complain about the free things they don't like, but use anyway. Although some would consider that to be ungrateful.
My suggestion is that rather than complaining about the structure of the Premium Features (or anything else), people try to contribute by spending some time thinking about and suggesting ways to improve the game, the community, and the finances of the developers who make your enjoyment possible.
It's clear from reading through the forums and the chat that many people already contribute to the health and improvement of both the game and the community.
That being said, I've seen little discussion about the fact that creating, maintaining, and improving an application like this takes a huge amount of time and effort (I know because I work as a web developer).
Contibuting ideas and discussion about improving the game and the community are certainly worthwhile, but keep in mind that doing so benefits the contributer by improving the game they enjoy playing and the community in which they are participating. It is, as are most things people do, done in one's own self interest.
As for simply complaining or not participating at all, I say NUTS.
To come to my point:
Little in life is free. Unless the developers are independently wealthy, with no need for income, they need to be compensated for the years they've devoted to making this entertainment available to us. They have bills to pay, possibly family or friends they support, entertainment that they would like to enjoy. It would actually be in everyone's self interest that the developers be compensated for their time so that they will continue to have the time to improve and provide access to the game.
It would be great if everyone in the community took some time to think about reasonable ways for the developers to be compensated for their time:
What features would you be willing to pay a premium for?
Can you think of any others ways for the site to generate income?
There is an understandable concern that the quality and fairness of gameplay could be affected by the purchase of items or memberships. If this concerns you, do something about it (I don't mean complain), offer alternative ways for the developers to earn a living from their work.
Some things I've thought about:
Why aren't there any Ads on the site?
Are the developers waiting to reach a certain level of members?
Is there any valid reason not to have ads on the site to generate income?
Is there any valid reason that people with FREE memberships should not have ads displayed on the pages they view?
Would people be interested in paying for Warbaron branded or themed items:
Wallpapers for your monitor
Tee Shirts
Any Suggestions?
I've seen discussion about saving a record of a game so that you can review it turn by turn, would that be an unfair advantage?
I don't think so, anyone can take screenshots of their maps and battle screens each turn, it's simply a time saving convenience.
It could be priced based on the amount of disk space you want available for your saves.
How about an odds widget that let's you check the odds that one unit type will beat another unit type?
Anyone can find a web page that let's you determine your odds based on the number of sides on the dice, the formula used in the game is posted on the wiki, so the information is available to everyone, it's just convenient to have a widget within the game, not an unfair advantage.
Be Well,