Negative morale bonus

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Negative morale bonus

Postby Igor » Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:13 pm

Negative morale bonus, got from item Shayatins mask, don't be added to devil's negative morale bonus, only added to barbarian's bonus: barbarian +1, devil +8 item +6, total +8, and +7 when without devil (gameid=39259).
I don't know is it right, would be glad to see total negative morale bonus +14 more than elephant's morale
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Re: Negative morale bonus

Postby tabanli » Tue Apr 02, 2013 4:00 pm

I think in every case individual bonuses are calculated separately and the highest bonus is applied to the stack. The item bonus only adds to the carrier, so you need to increase the negate aura of the Barbarian to see the benefits of Shayatins Mask but who does that? You would rather get hit and strength.

The only benefit of Shayatins Mask is for the flyer super stacks where you can drop the Devil. Valkyrie-Red-Great Archon-6 Demons / Paladin-Red-Green-6 Demons / Dread Knight-Red-Ghost-6 Demons. The mask gives some protection against moral/fear units in the cities. They are fast and deadly but still vulnerable to Ranger's anti-air as pointed out by KGB.
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Re: Negative morale bonus

Postby Igor » Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:16 am

tabanli, it's all clear. No one, who knows how it's really are, didn't put a look here. As I know from DLR, if hero has morale items (there were such items), and has a unit with morale bonus in stack, both morale abilities are added one to other. Looking at such a strong item I was wondered it gave nothing to stack with devil.
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Re: Negative morale bonus

Postby Chazar » Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:22 am

Igor wrote:As I know from DLR, if hero has morale items (there were such items), and has a unit with morale bonus in stack, both morale abilities are added one to other.

I am so glad that Warbarons does not repeat all the mistakes that DLR made. :twisted:

(Sorry, couldn't resist.)
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Re: Negative morale bonus

Postby tabanli » Fri Apr 05, 2013 4:09 pm

I have to agree with Igor that there are certain things counter intuitive, however understandable in terms of programmers side. You would expect the items to add up to stack bonus, but it may not. At DLR there was a formula for every group bonus category such as Leadership-Chaos-Morale-Fear-Fortify-Siege-Hit-Strength-Medal-Poison etc, etc,

Best Group Bonus+Best Group Spell+Best Group Item, and it wouldn't matter who is carrying the item. Here every bonus is calculated at individual base and the best individual effects the group.

On the positive side, multiple items adds up. So if you have Ismaels Relic and GrandFather they both add to leadership, which wasn't the case at DLR.

Another thing I found counter intuitive is also the Ambush. If +65 ambush Medusa facing a light cavalry supported by a ghost +8 ambush, I would expect that there is a cancellation which gives Medusa +57 ambush. But instead each try to ambush each other and it is actually possible that your medusa can get ambushed by a light cavalry supported by a ghost, which keeps happening to me and missssses me off.
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Re: Negative morale bonus

Postby KGB » Fri Apr 05, 2013 4:41 pm

tabanli wrote:I have to agree with Igor that there are certain things counter intuitive, however understandable in terms of programmers side. You would expect the items to add up to stack bonus, but it may not. At DLR there was a formula for every group bonus category such as Leadership-Chaos-Morale-Fear-Fortify-Siege-Hit-Strength-Medal-Poison etc, etc,

Best Group Bonus+Best Group Spell+Best Group Item, and it wouldn't matter who is carrying the item. Here every bonus is calculated at individual base and the best individual effects the group.

On the positive side, multiple items adds up. So if you have Ismaels Relic and GrandFather they both add to leadership, which wasn't the case at DLR.

I believe this is because unlike DLR, items are actually worn in Warbarons. So one hero can't be using 20 items like he could in DLR (which was ridiculous).

So which hero has which items matters (giving your Paladin the Grandfather is much better than giving your DK the Grandfather). That's why items powers stack because there is a limited number of them that can be used by a hero. And because they are individual items for one hero their powers are not cumulative with non-hero units (other than ambush which always stacks).

My only complaint with this system is that Archons negate magic items. They should only negate hero bonus's, not those coming from magic items. This would help the DK when he finds those +3 Leadership when defending items.

tabanli wrote:Another thing I found counter intuitive is also the Ambush. If +65 ambush Medusa facing a light cavalry supported by a ghost +8 ambush, I would expect that there is a cancellation which gives Medusa +57 ambush. But instead each try to ambush each other and it is actually possible that your medusa can get ambushed by a light cavalry supported by a ghost, which keeps happening to me and missssses me off.

Sure, but this cancellation can only happen once. As in Medusa faces Lt Calv. Ambush would cancel. Medusa faces 2nd Lt Calv, now Medusa has no more Ambush so can be ambushed. So why write special code for only case (first time unit is in combat) when all the other times there is no cancellation possible (nor was there in DLR if a Gnoll Calv beat his first unit and moved on to the next one)

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Re: Negative morale bonus

Postby tabanli » Fri Apr 05, 2013 8:21 pm

I would still expect the cancellation to happen. The first light cavalary ambushed my medusa at the last battle in my game 38564.

Ambush Roll:
Medusa roll 90 miss
Light Cavalary roll 7 hit
Medusa is ambushed.

Like I said, it is understandable in terms of programmer side, but somewhat unexpected from my side. When an orc faces an orc, I would think that non of them would be ambushed. Again just my opinion.
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Re: Negative morale bonus

Postby Igor » Sat Apr 06, 2013 10:49 pm

If an item gives the same bonus as a unit does, and can't be added to it, this item is not so wished as it could be.
I put Shayatins mask in a good defended place for to make it as a good prize. But who killed those defenders he probably has a devil in stack, so he don't need this item much. But it is useful for it lets to make one place free in hero stack.
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