Hero Offer Percentage

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Hero Offer Percentage

Postby KGB » Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:38 am

I know the hero offer percentage has gone way up in Beta3. That's a good thing.

But is there any offsetting factor that reduces the offers based on the number of heroes already in play?

I ask because the West Illuria map is broken due to an insane number of L3 ruins with no guardians causing the great Valkyrie/Bat ruin loot. It's turn 13 and my opponent has 12 heroes and I have 6. We both still have gobs of gold to spend and more ruins to loot and well over 30+ cities thanks to all the allies etc.

I know it was discussed about having the number of heroes in play reduce your offer percentage. I hope that was done. If it wasn't then something definitely needs to be done. Something like reducing the hero offer percentage by 2% per hero in play and another further reduction based on consecutive game turns so if you accept an offer on the following turn your chance is lowered even more for 1 turn so you don't get 12 heroes in 13 turns happening.

And yes, I realize with guardians and other things in Beta 4 this problem will be lessened but it won't be eliminated due to pillaging gold, ruin searching and quest rewards.

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Re: Hero Offer Percentage

Postby piranha » Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:25 am

This is the hero chance:

$newherochance = ($currentgold - ($numberofheroes * 200));
if($newherochance < 0) {$newherochance = 0;}
if(rand(400,1000) < $newherochance)

If you have 0 heroes and 1000 gold there is a 60% chance.

If you have 5 heroes and 1000 gold there is a 0% chance.

If you have 5 heroes and 2000 gold there is a 60% chance.

Seems to work pretty well most of the time. That map will have guardians in next version so the problem should not be as big.
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Re: Hero Offer Percentage

Postby KGB » Sat Jan 15, 2011 5:57 pm


Thanks for the formula. It's handy to know. It seems OK to reduce hero offers as you acquire heroes.

But I also see that there is no cutoff on the newherochance so if you have 1400 gold and no heroes or 2400 gold and 5 heroes you have 100% chance of a new hero every turn. I don't think the newherochance should ever get above 75% no matter how much gold you have. In fact I'd say it probably shouldn't get above 50% unless you have 0 heroes in which case there should be no upper bound.

I'd rewrite it as:

$newherochance = ($currentgold - ($numberofheroes * $numberofheroes * 100)); // Number of heroes squared
if($currentgold > 400 AND newherochance < 400) {$newherochance = 500;} // Always a 10% chance - assuming enough gold
if($newherochance > 1150 AND $numberofheroes >0) {$newherochance = 1150;} // Maximum 75% chance if 1+ heroes
if(rand(400,1000) < $newherochance)

Now the lessened chance of another hero is 100, 400, 900, 1600, 2500 so that by the time you reach 5 heroes you'll need 3500 gold to get a 60% chance. However you'll always have a 10% chance even if you have *too many* heroes. You are also capped at a max chance of 75% unless you have no heroes in which case you can rise to 100%.

This lets players rapidly acquire 1-5 heroes after which you'll need a *lot* of gold or get lucky on the 10% chance over time to increase to 6+ heroes.


P.S. I'd recommend players staying away from the West Illuria map until Beta4 or until Darkh modifies it to put units on the ruins.
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Re: Hero Offer Percentage

Postby ezras » Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:30 am

I think the number of heros you have should be capped at 5. If I remember right this is how it was done in Warlords 1 + 2 and I think that running around with 10+ heroes is a bit absurd. Ultimately it decreases their value the more you have. They should be precious commodities right? Why isn't there a cap?
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