I know the hero offer percentage has gone way up in Beta3. That's a good thing.
But is there any offsetting factor that reduces the offers based on the number of heroes already in play?
I ask because the West Illuria map is broken due to an insane number of L3 ruins with no guardians causing the great Valkyrie/Bat ruin loot. It's turn 13 and my opponent has 12 heroes and I have 6. We both still have gobs of gold to spend and more ruins to loot and well over 30+ cities thanks to all the allies etc.
I know it was discussed about having the number of heroes in play reduce your offer percentage. I hope that was done. If it wasn't then something definitely needs to be done. Something like reducing the hero offer percentage by 2% per hero in play and another further reduction based on consecutive game turns so if you accept an offer on the following turn your chance is lowered even more for 1 turn so you don't get 12 heroes in 13 turns happening.
And yes, I realize with guardians and other things in Beta 4 this problem will be lessened but it won't be eliminated due to pillaging gold, ruin searching and quest rewards.