Some tricky things happened on 1v1 Ladder at the end of 17th season.
1. Darkh had 2 games vs Vicontic, going in the last day of ended season and many games with other opponents.
2. Vicontic keeped 2nd place in the last day of the season.
3. Darkh was going to take 3rd place.
All looked going normal way, but then strange things happened.
4. Darkh surrendered 2 games to Vicontic in the last day of the season (Darkh lost 2x11 and Vicontic got 2x22 points).
5. Vicontic took top place with 1371 (+25 to second place 1346), after he got 44 points from Darkh.
6. Darkh didn't take 3rd place, having 1183 (missed 15 to third place 1198) after he lost 22 points.
7. Darkh surrendered 5 games to other opponents in the first two days of the new season (has now 0/5 and -5 Cold on the ladder).
Resume: Darkh surrendered 2 games specially for Vicontic in the last day before the season ended, and he surrendered other 5 games with other opponents in two first days of the new season.
These 2 games, which Darkh surrendered to Vicontic, gave Vicontic 44 ladder points and top place, also they took 22 points from Darkh and took him out of 3rd place.
Darkh set Vicontic onto the top of the ladder. This looks as kingmaking.
Dirty thing, dirty win.
In the time when all European community fights for fair play and against negotiated matches, such things are happeneng in Warbarons.
I think this deserves blame and condemnation.