Warlords franchise and Author rights

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Warlords franchise and Author rights

Postby Molotov » Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:51 am

Doesnt using of warlords game mechanics and style violate SSG's or Steve Fawkner's author rights?
Is this a commercial project (maybe in future) or it is created as free to play
and some other questions... where can i read about this project? This site needs an "About" section or something

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Re: Warlords franchise and Author rights

Postby piranha » Thu Jun 24, 2010 1:41 pm

Hello Molotov

I'm not really sure. We are writing our own code and creating our own graphics. We are going to remove warlords from the domain name when we start beta 3.

If you start looking at individual elements of the game I don't think you can say its someones right to use a particular way of handling a battle for example.
Our goal is not to be the next warlords game, and we might have to be a bit careful and make sure that it doesn't seem like that.
I know many of our ideas that we want to put in the game have not been in warlords before.

I know if you look at farmville and such games on facebook there are similar games made by other companies all the time and looking at the popular german game travian there are a bunch of companies who made their own travian games, the last one by EA so it seems you can use other peoples ideas as long as you don't steal their code or artwork.

We are planing to make this a commercial project in the future.

I will make an about section before we start beta 3.
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