Boat / kraken question

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Boat / kraken question

Postby piranha » Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:44 pm

I got a bug report which involved a kraken that attacked 2 heroes and a heavy cav sitting in djonk ships. The bug was that the heroes and heavy cav had battle 15.

At the moment the calculation is: all units and bonuses are calculated as normal and at the end the ship type limits the battle value. So the kraken will reduce the heroes/cav to battle 15 so they will get the same battle value vs a kraken with a djonk as with a better ship.

Do you think this is right or how should the ship limit be applied? Seems a bit weird that you get the same battle value with a djonk as with a galleon.

If the ship limit thing is applied at the start too the result would in this case be battle 5 for the djonk units and 15 if they sailed in a galleon.
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Re: Boat / kraken question

Postby magian » Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:06 pm

Option two makes way more sense to me (5 for the djonk, 15 for the galleon).
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Re: Boat / kraken question

Postby LichKing » Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:56 pm

But now a strong army on galleon (45 STR + leadership/morale) would still fight at 45 on a galleon against a Kraken, if you change it then it would fight at 35. Moreover almost all units would fight at STR 5 against Kraken on water. I'd prefer it stays the same as now.. Kraken are already too strong, imho.
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Re: Boat / kraken question

Postby KGB » Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:55 pm


You didn't mention the bonus's involved (other than the Kraken's -10 Fear) so lets assume the hero has +4 Leadership (Paladin) for a total of 10-4 = -6 to the hero stack.

I would expect the numbers to show the hero as (25-6=19) reduced to 15 on the Djonk, Hv Calv as (25-6=19) reduced to 15 on the Djonk.

If the battle was on a Galleon it would be: Hero: 25-6=19 on the Galleon, Hv Calv 25-6=19.

So yeah in this battle the Kraken's fear contributed nothing.

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Re: Boat / kraken question

Postby LPhillips » Sun Jan 15, 2012 2:16 am

Scratchin' my noggin on this one. The current ship combat system doesn't mix well with flat bonuses like Fear. There may need to be a more universal rethink of the way the ships conduct battle. Even if you resolve this one scenario, the underlying conflicts will still remain.
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