Betagame 2

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Re: Betagame 2

Postby flash » Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:55 am

tooltips showing the player on the adequate shield would bei nice on the account site too
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Re: Betagame 2

Postby SnotlinG » Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:33 pm

Piranha has added this today I think. Looks quite nice :-)
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Re: Betagame 2

Postby flash » Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:18 am

yeah, nice! So we are waiting for Galvin :twisted:
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Re: Betagame 2

Postby flash » Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:24 am

I think there is a Bug right now. Its not my turn displayed, and I was able to move a unit.

Here is the log:

42: ajax har inte hunnit returnera ännu, vi med mao inte om det är OK eller inte. 40_41
41: verifymove anropat. type=JAVASCRIPT, movecheck ID:2
40: select anropad med 40_41
39: drawpath anropat
38: select anropad med 40_41
37: drawpath anropat
36: Sätter selected=54,16,2,41_41,,14,Orc,orc,5,,4,green,0,10,1,Swamp,Land, i = 0
35: select anropad med 41_41
34: select anropad med 41_41
33: ajax har inte hunnit returnera ännu, vi med mao inte om det är OK eller inte. 41_41
32: verifymove anropat. type=JAVASCRIPT, movecheck ID:1
31: select anropad med 41_41
30: drawpath anropat
29: select anropad med 41_41
28: drawpath anropat
27: Sätter selected=54,16,2,40_41,,16,Orc,orc,5,,4,green,0,10,1,Swamp,Land, i = 0
26: select anropad med 40_41
25: select anropad med 40_41
24: drawpath anropat
23: select anropad med 38_44
22: drawpath anropat
21: Sätter selected=54,16,2,40_41,,16,Orc,orc,5,,4,green,0,10,1,Swamp,Land, i = 0
20: select anropad med 40_41
19: getownerbuttons
18: citydefence 2
17: ownerinfo 39_44
16: <div class="buylist"><div id="1" class="buyunit"><div class="scout"></div>Scout<br /> STR: 1<br />Move: 20<br /> 20 GP</div><div id="2" class="buyunit"><div class="bat"></div>Bat<br /> STR: 1<br />Move: 28<br /> 30 GP</div><div id="3" class="buyunit"><div class="lightinfantry"></div>Lightinfantry<br /> STR: 2<br />Move: 16<br /> 50 GP</div><div id="4" class="buyunit"><div class="orc"></div>Orc<br /> STR: 2<br />Move: 16<br /> 70 GP</div><div id="6" class="buyunit"><div class="heavyinfantry"></div>Heavyinfantry<br /> STR: 3<br />Move: 12<br /> 300 GP</div><div id="5" class="buyunit"><div class="lightcav"></div>LightCavalry<br /> STR: 3<br />Move: 24<br /> 300 GP</div><div id="10" class="buyunit"><div class="dwarf"></div>Dwarf<br /> STR: 4<br />Move: 8<br /> 400 GP</div><div id="8" class="buyunit"><div class="archer"></div>Archer<br /> STR: 3<br />Move: 16<br /> 400 GP</div><div id="9" class="buyunit"><div class="wolf"></div>Wolf<br /> STR: 4<br />Move: 16<br /> 500 GP</div><div id="7" class="buyunit"><div class="pikeman"></div>Pikeman<br /> STR: 4<br />Move: 8<br /> 500 GP</div><div id="14" class="buyunit"><div class="heavycav"></div>HeavyCavalry<br /> STR: 5<br />Move: 24<br /> 600 GP</div><div id="12" class="buyunit"><div class="giant"></div>Giant<br /> STR: 5<br />Move: 20<br /> 800 GP</div><div id="11" class="buyunit"><div class="minotaur"></div>Minotaur<br /> STR: 5<br />Move: 12<br /> 800 GP</div><div id="17" class="buyunit"><div class="pegasi"></div>Pegasi<br /> STR: 5<br />Move: 24<br /> 1000 GP</div><div id="15" class="buyunit"><div class="catapult"></div>Catapult<br /> STR: 4<br />Move: 16<br /> 1000 GP</div><div id="13" class="buyunit"><div class="spider"></div>Spider<br /> STR: 5<br />Move: 12<br /> 1000 GP</div><div id="18" class="buyunit"><div class="griffon"></div>Griffon<br /> STR: 6<br />Move: 24<br /> 1200 GP</div><div id="22" class="buyunit"><div class="unicorn"></div>Unicorn<br /> STR: 8<br />Move: 16<br /> 1500 GP</div><div id="16" class="buyunit"><div class="elephant"></div>Elephant<br /> STR: 8<br />Move: 16<br /> 1500 GP</div></div>Gold: 103
15: getownerbuttons
14: getownerbuttons
13: current production:2,4
12: currentprod
11: select anropad med 39_44
10: ajax.savecity anropad
9: <div class="buylist"><div id="1" class="buyunit"><div class="scout"></div>Scout<br /> STR: 1<br />Move: 20<br /> 20 GP</div><div id="2" class="buyunit"><div class="bat"></div>Bat<br /> STR: 1<br />Move: 28<br /> 30 GP</div><div id="3" class="buyunit"><div class="lightinfantry"></div>Lightinfantry<br /> STR: 2<br />Move: 16<br /> 50 GP</div><div id="4" class="buyunit"><div class="orc"></div>Orc<br /> STR: 2<br />Move: 16<br /> 70 GP</div><div id="6" class="buyunit"><div class="heavyinfantry"></div>Heavyinfantry<br /> STR: 3<br />Move: 12<br /> 300 GP</div><div id="5" class="buyunit"><div class="lightcav"></div>LightCavalry<br /> STR: 3<br />Move: 24<br /> 300 GP</div><div id="10" class="buyunit"><div class="dwarf"></div>Dwarf<br /> STR: 4<br />Move: 8<br /> 400 GP</div><div id="8" class="buyunit"><div class="archer"></div>Archer<br /> STR: 3<br />Move: 16<br /> 400 GP</div><div id="9" class="buyunit"><div class="wolf"></div>Wolf<br /> STR: 4<br />Move: 16<br /> 500 GP</div><div id="7" class="buyunit"><div class="pikeman"></div>Pikeman<br /> STR: 4<br />Move: 8<br /> 500 GP</div><div id="14" class="buyunit"><div class="heavycav"></div>HeavyCavalry<br /> STR: 5<br />Move: 24<br /> 600 GP</div><div id="12" class="buyunit"><div class="giant"></div>Giant<br /> STR: 5<br />Move: 20<br /> 800 GP</div><div id="11" class="buyunit"><div class="minotaur"></div>Minotaur<br /> STR: 5<br />Move: 12<br /> 800 GP</div><div id="17" class="buyunit"><div class="pegasi"></div>Pegasi<br /> STR: 5<br />Move: 24<br /> 1000 GP</div><div id="15" class="buyunit"><div class="catapult"></div>Catapult<br /> STR: 4<br />Move: 16<br /> 1000 GP</div><div id="13" class="buyunit"><div class="spider"></div>Spider<br /> STR: 5<br />Move: 12<br /> 1000 GP</div><div id="18" class="buyunit"><div class="griffon"></div>Griffon<br /> STR: 6<br />Move: 24<br /> 1200 GP</div><div id="22" class="buyunit"><div class="unicorn"></div>Unicorn<br /> STR: 8<br />Move: 16<br /> 1500 GP</div><div id="16" class="buyunit"><div class="elephant"></div>Elephant<br /> STR: 8<br />Move: 16<br /> 1500 GP</div></div>Gold: 103
8: getownerbuttons
7: getownerbuttons
6: citydefence 1
5: ownerinfo 35_39
4: getownerbuttons
3: current production:3
2: currentprod
1: select anropad med 35_39
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Re: Betagame 2

Postby SnotlinG » Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:35 am

Thanks flash,
It seems the observermode popup/check on the clientside got lost yesterday when I worked on eliminated players to be able to observe also. This looks a bit confusing and I will try to fix it today. However, your army is not really moved, the server never accepts the move (since it is not your turn), so if you reload the game you will see him back on his startinglocation :-)
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Re: Betagame 2

Postby UltimoDerUnerfahrene » Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:25 am

Just occuppied my first city, griphon didn't die.

But: I plundered the city (which gave me 150 gold), but I didn't have the gold directly. I had to log off, and relogin to get (see) the money.

Another thing: How can I see the units' strength?
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Re: Betagame 2

Postby SnotlinG » Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:45 am


Hmm, I think the gold should be visible directly, I will have to take a look at that.

The unit strength is so far only visible at 2 diffrent places (view stack etc will come later).
But for now, when you have selected your unit, you can see its strength below its move value, i.e. in the selectrow under the map.
Or, if you wonder what a unit has for strength you can see this in the "buy-menu" in a city you own, there the unit statistics are shown.

Be aware though that in none of this views you see the units value including bonuses, so for your griffon, it will show 6, but when you are in a city that is actually 8 (+ city bonus)
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Re: Betagame 2

Postby flash » Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:01 pm

Have you planned a filter in the chat? F.e. to filter messages sent, messages receive, filter users? I think that wil be a usefull feature too.
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Re: Betagame 2

Postby piranha » Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:33 pm

I've been thinking about filtering. Most likely it will be so you can click a player name and only see messages from that player.
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Re: Betagame 2

Postby SnotlinG » Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:33 pm

Fixed the observer-bug, now you will be informed (again) when you are in observermode, and the units are not possible to move.

Also fixed so the gold is updated directly in the client after you do the plunder-action :-)
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