Pillager wrote:Pikemen and Dwarves are less valuable than heavy inf?
To me they are. I'd much rather have Hv Infantry than Pike/Dwarves. The 1 strength difference is more than offset by the +4 movement. You can reach targets faster and expand faster with Hv Infanty such that on a medium size map or larger within 4-5 turns Hv Infantry has an extra 16-20 movement and potentially conquered several more cities. Then factor in that 12 moves = siege+medusa movement rate so grouping them together makes sense.
It's also because I'm always on the attack. Maybe if I was defending I'd feel different
Pillager wrote:And light cavalry are the kings of the 1 turn units? I don't think so, not in beta 3, not at all.
Again, to me they are. Because mine are always on offense, never on defense. With 20 moves I can go bless to 3 strength and come back before Dwarves/Pikes even get close to my cities. They still make great raider units in Beta3 thanks to the amount of bless sites on maps and their extended viewing range. You'd be surprised how often I conquer a city making Dwarfs/Pike and Lt Calv and never make Pike/Dwarf units there.
As always, specific maps make specific units more/less valuable. So clearly on a hills dominated map it's absurd to suggest Hv Infantry/Lt Cavalry are better than Dwarves. Just as if you are filling cities for defense purposes it's better to have Pike/Dwarves but if you plan to attack, those 2 units are completely hopelessly slow as the defender has loads of time to intercept them or fortify his city defense.
Anyway my numbers show there is really only minor differences between Lt Calv-Hv Infantry-Pike/Dwarf as 32-40 is a spread of 20%, not 100%.
Pillager wrote:Does the giant actually have a 72% chance of killing the heavy inf, or is this a 72% chance of wounding the heavy inf? What are the chances that a giant will kill a heavy inf without taking a wound? What are the giant's chances of killing two heavy inf? The thing about more units is that they have more wounds, and therefore more chances to get a lucky break.
72% chance to kill. 43% chance to kill 2. So even making them 2x as fast in pure combat they are only slightly better than a Giant. Then factor in the movement difference (17-12) and I call it even.
Then we need to look at the giant vs the pikeman...a unit that takes half the time to build and is actually stronger than the giant in the most common terrain. Sure pikey is slow, but that's what they invented boats for....which have a max strength of 4! Sucks to be a giant at sea.
Against Pike/Dwarf the Giant is 60% to kill 1, 29% to kill 2. Compensated with the fact you move more than 2x as far per turn. Basically you'll *NEVER* find Pike/Dwarves in my hero stacks (excepting on defense) but you are likely to find Giants or Hv Cavalry etc.
Boat movement strength isn't even a factor. That falls under specific circumstances like getting a terrain bonus.
My point is 2 turn units are no where near as bad as you make them out to be. If anything the problem is 1 turn units, not 2 turn units. Your suggestion of dropping the terrain bonus on Dwarf/Pike to +1 makes a lot of sense to addressing that.