teammate surrender feedback

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teammate surrender feedback

Postby SnotlinG » Wed Feb 29, 2012 8:31 am

Im just working on the improved code for teammate surrender, and wanted to ask for your feedback (had some good feedback in the chat already).

This is how I currently plan to make it work:
When a teammate surrenders (or drops out due to missing 3 turns in a row), that players cities, income buildings and towers will all change owner to the still living teammembers (randomly assigned one by one).
Cities will have the townhall and citywall decreased by 1 level. Production buildtime will be reset to 0. Available production is unchanged as well as what the city is currently producing.
All units outside cities, towers, incomebuildings will be removed. For the rest of the units, the units with buildtime 1 turn will be changed owners to the new city/building owner and all units with buildtime > 1 turn will be removed.

The reasons for this is that if a teammate resigns, it should be bad for the team. If the team gets to keep everything unchanged, it might be too good for the team if one player resigns, since this opens up other possibilities of vectoring and stacking. On the other hand we dont want to make it too hard a blow to the team if one player resigns, so this is a try to find the balance.

Any feedback before I write the code? :-)
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Re: teammate surrender feedback

Postby Moonknight » Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:53 pm

This is for non-ladder team games only, correct?
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Re: teammate surrender feedback

Postby SnotlinG » Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:52 pm

Actually I was thinking for all types of teamgames, but feedback is appreciated!

You think its a problem for laddergames? The idea is that the team should be a bit punished for one player taking surrender/resign...
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Re: teammate surrender feedback

Postby MrBofa » Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:40 pm

If the team won with the surrendering player would that still count as a win for the player surrendering ?
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Re: teammate surrender feedback

Postby SnotlinG » Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:44 pm

MrBofa wrote:If the team won with the surrendering player would that still count as a win for the player surrendering ?

Yes, but that is how it is already working. Surrendered/eliminated players counts as part of the team, and the win goes to all players in the team.
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Re: teammate surrender feedback

Postby KGB » Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:10 pm


There are really 2 cases here

1) When someone just stops playing and times out after 3 turns
2) When someone resigns

Case 1: I think you should transfer everything 'as is' to the remaining teammates with zero penalties. They have already paid a 3 turn doing-nothing penalty which is harsh in itself.

Case 2: Penalize any gold they didn't transfer to teammates and reduce all walls in cities/towers by 1. But otherwise I wouldn't do anything beyond that. I don't think you should remove all 1+ turn units from the game as otherwise it's a just a gigantic penalty that's almost as bad as having all their cities turn neutral (would that include heroes+items?). As for vectoring/stacking, you can already vector to teammates cities now so what's the big deal there. Remember the other penalty being paid is you lose hero offers due to 1 less team mate.

I do agree that you should reset all build times to 0 for both cases.

Surrendering should give 0 victory points if your team goes on to win,. If they lose you lose points.

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Re: teammate surrender feedback

Postby Moonknight » Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:54 pm

My thought is in a ladder game, ownership change should not be allowed. If a teammate surrenders/times out, then the whole team should pay for it and the castles should become active neutral cities.

Then punishment can come down from the team if this happens too often with a player.
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Re: teammate surrender feedback

Postby Chazar » Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:31 pm

What is the current state on this?
What happens to 1T units that defend allied cities?

We discovered that 1T units defending allied cities vanish if the owner loses their last city by force.
Would that be different if the owner surrenders before the last city is lost, in order to keep those defenders within the allied cities?

(Sorry if necromancy is frowned upon here, but the thread wasn't terribly long and unfinished, so it seemed appropriate.)
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Re: teammate surrender feedback

Postby SnotlinG » Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:04 pm

currently all your units gets disbanded that are not located on cities that you own.
So units located on ally cities gets disbanded also.
I.e. it would work the same.
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