The new Fog of War screen shot looks great. It's exactly what I envisioned it would look like.
Three things I wanted to mention after reading your blog
1) During a players turn, the server is going to have to store all the unfogged areas that happen due to unit movement. I know you mentioned having the users client update from the server. So I just wanted to remind you that if you don't complete your turn in a single play (ie browser crash, you come back to the turn later on esp when turns get longer etc) you need to make sure the server can properly update the client for all the unfogged areas that have occurred during the turn due to unit movement. So in essence you'll need to store whether each map square is in a fogged/unfogged state on the server during the entire turn. Once the turn is complete it can be reset for the next player.
2) From the screen shot it wasn't possible to tell if you'll be able to see the state of a city/ruin that is covered by fog. I'd expect to be able to tell who owns a city / whether a ruin is searched/unsearched even if that city/ruin is fogged over. The only thing fog should hide is units on the map in fogged areas (units in cities should be hidden/revealed by a different game option - see in cities).
3) When you say you plan to halt move what exactly do you mean. Are you saying a stack will stop moving if it sees an enemy stack revealed as the fog is lifted? Or are you saying a stack will stop moving only if an enemy stack is revealed directly blocking your movement path? I'd expect it to only halt moving in the latter case.