Ruin and temple names - input appreciated

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Ruin and temple names - input appreciated

Postby SnotlinG » Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:15 pm

All ruins and temples will get a randomized name when placed in the mapeditor. The name has no meaning except adding to the feeling of the game. :mrgreen:
Im having a hard time coming up with good names, so please let me know if you have any suggestions for names.
Current names are listed below...

'Khelars crypt','Dragon den', 'The Dark Tower','Cursed Tower','Black crypt','Isildhars tomb','Haunted Village','Troll lair','Goblin lair','The Dark Dungeon','Old Prison','Wizards hideout','Arkhan Manson', 'Crypt of Nagash','Crypt of Durgaz', 'Ruin of Irhn', 'Ruin of Wertha', 'Haunted Tower of Yhrz','Abandoned Tower','The dark Crypt', 'Tomb of Darkness', 'The Grey Graveyard'

'Fire Temple','Water Temple', 'Wind Temple', 'Earth Temple', 'High Temple', 'The Dark Temple', 'Light Temple', 'Temple of Heat', 'Temple of Cold', 'Rain Temple', 'Temple of Heat', 'Temple of Wisdom', 'Battletemple', 'Temple of Pain'
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Re: Ruin and temple names - input appreciated

Postby KGB » Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:51 pm


It would be nice if map creators could name the temples/ruins as they can do for cities. DLR allowed that and many map creators took advantage of it to customize the ruin/temple names.

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Re: Ruin and temple names - input appreciated

Postby SCIkick » Sun Oct 24, 2010 9:46 pm

Wight's Barrow , Haunted Outpost , Broon's Deep , Shaman's Ground
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Re: Ruin and temple names - input appreciated

Postby SCIkick » Sun Oct 24, 2010 9:58 pm

How about items names? Got plenty of those too!
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Re: Ruin and temple names - input appreciated

Postby SnotlinG » Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:01 am

Thanks SCIkick, will add those to the namelist. Items wont be until beta4 :-)
KGB, adding yor own names to ruins and temples will be in beta4 as well, when we add some more functionality for them. Right now all you can do is pretty much choose the ruin/temple level and place it on the map :-)
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Re: Ruin and temple names - input appreciated

Postby KGB » Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:42 pm


OK. Good to know we can custom name in Beta4.

As far as naming goes for now, I looked at the DLR code. What is has is the ability generate random names. The has a fixed part like barrow, crypt, ruin, tomb etc. But the part in front of it can be randomly generated from vowels/consonants.

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