I put this in the Chat for our game (Beta 2)
I got the turn email:
Hello KGB
Its your turn in game: Open beta game2.
Turn will expire: 2010-04-23 00:27:40.
So how come my turn expired before I got to play it? It's not 00:27:40 04/23 my time as I write this (it's only 10:30 PM on the 22nd). That's something that needs to be fixed because players are going to be playing across all kinds of time zones and I didn't get anything close to 48 hrs to play my turn. I got the email notification at 6:30 AM on the 21st which means I should have till 6:30 AM on the 23rd to play my turn if I am to have 48 hrs to play my turn (I was completely unable to play yesterday).