Map Slots

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Map Slots

Postby KGB » Tue Mar 18, 2014 10:47 pm


Do you remember what the map slots are for?

I was looking for a map to play today and I noticed I had 1 map in my 5 map slots. When I clicked on it, I saw a map there created by ptGamer. But it's one that is no longer listed in the regular maps area (including old maps). I selected it but didn't actually start a game using it (when I selected it, I got no map icon showing even though I see the icon for the map in my slots menu). Is it possible to resurrect this map in some manner into the editor or is it lost forever?


Note: I eventually realized all the maps in the 'old' section are shared so I was able to find one there that I could save and submit to play. Happy that feature is enabled. There are a couple there that might be worth saving just so we have more maps which there is never enough of. Too bad many other old maps are lost forever.
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