I have a question about hero + ally offers and how it relates to your gold.
I'm just finishing up a game where my opponent had at one point for several turns 6-9K in gold. He was hoarding it looking for specific allies (Dragons I assume) and in large quantities (hoping for 5 but I think Beta3 is limited to 3 which I agree with).
What he was getting each turn was a hero offer + 3 allies that was basically equal to his entire gold supply. For example on one turn he complained the offer was a Hero + 3 Devils for 7000 in gold. That same turn I got a hero offer + 2 Devil for only 2500 in gold. Surely 1 more Devil doesn't cost 4500 more gold
Over the next couple turns as his gold went up, he kept getting offers that cost more and more gold for 3 allies (sometimes crappy ones like 3 Wizards for 8000).
So it seems there is some kind of bug where the hero offer is set to consume like 85-99% of your gold regardless of how much you have instead of capping it at a max value depending on ally quality.