Anyone else have this problem?
When I click on a unit, then move the map, then click far away (as in more than the unit can move in 1 or even 2 turns) the movement path calculator crashes my browser (Firefox - latest version) about 1 in 10 times.
Typically during a turn I'll experience anywhere from 2-5 complete crashes and restarts of Firefox depending on how many units I have to move.
It appears to me that the more times the movement path calculator is used, the closer I get to a crash of the browser. There appears to be some kind of limit / resource that the movement path calculator leaks/exceeds that causes the eventual crash. It's very annoying to say the least.
Also I've mentioned this before, but I *never* get any of the sounds in the game to play in Firefox. The only time I ever get the click sounds is after a crash-restart of Firefox. After moving a couple of units I lose the sounds again so maybe that's related to why it's crashing.