Beta3 Combat Error

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Beta3 Combat Error

Postby KGB » Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:44 am


Here's is a screen shot of the error I get in Firefox when the battle screen fails to open.

Guessing it's uninitialized the first time but on subsequent battles it is OK probably because it's remembered.

tim.jpg (91.77 KiB) Viewed 3223 times
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Re: Beta3 Combat Error

Postby KGB » Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:21 am


I see one of you has attempted to adjust the size of the stack shown at the bottom of the screen. This latest change has caused 2 new errors. I get these new errors every time I try and move a unit. It hangs the browser and forces a reload to see the unit placed at it's final destination. This is causing the FOW to mess up probably because all the intermediate squares aren't being unfogged due to the movement problem.

Attached is an archive of 10 screen shots. The first 6 are of the 2 new move errors. The next 2 are the original ones I still get every time I try and to enter combat. The last one shows the FOW problem I now have probably because of the movement errors.

Incidentally I wanted to attack Piranhas bat (crow is a poor substitute for the traditional bat, wish you'd rename it back to bat) with my Pegasi but the move bug causes me to be unable to enter battle no matter how many times I refresh. I have plenty of movement so I can only assume it's hanging on the 'do you want to go to war with this player' menu that I can never answer yes to. So if my turn times out before this gets fixed, can you attack me instead on your turn.


P.S. It's SUPER annoying you can't save the Firebug entire session into a file and attach it. It would make SO much sense to be able to do that. I wonder why that option isn't available?

P.P.S. Actually I was unable to attach the zip archive because it's too big. So I emailed it to Piranha (I think) under 'Beta3 Error Screen Shots'.
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Re: Beta3 Combat Error

Postby piranha » Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:40 pm

You should be able to complete your movement now and click the "yes I want to go to war".
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Re: Beta3 Combat Error

Postby KGB » Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:59 pm


Nope. Still bugged and this time I tried from my work PC (also Firefox). I sent a reply in private email so check there for more details but there isn't much since it's the exact same behavior as I had.

Just installed Firebug at work.

There are no errors when I attempt to attack. I just never get the pop-up asking about war.



And that's it. I can click the move button repeatedly and I just get this over and over again with the movecheck variable incrementing each time.

Note: I mangled the http part of the post here on the forum so that it doesn't appear as a link.

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