When I am not logged into the site and access the 'Wiki' link (http://www.warbarons.com/wiki/overview) it works fine.
This also a displays a menu down the left side of the page. When I choose a link from this menu, for example 'Heroes - basics', it takes me to a blank page (http://www.warbarons.com/wiki/Array/wiki/hero_basics).
However if I were to click the same link, 'Heroes - basics' , while I am logged in then it takes me to an active wiki page (http://www.warbarons.com/wiki/hero_basics).
When using the menu on the left-hand side of the wiki whilst not logged into the site the links point to the incorrect pages.
http://www.warbarons.com/wiki/Array/wiki/hero_basics should be http://www.warbarons.com/wiki/hero_basics