In Battle Screen
"Propability" should be "Probability"
Warbarons is much more fluid than when first released.
Tutorial is very nice and interactive.
At the end of the tutorial, when pressing [Show open multiplayer games], a message appreared "Oops, .... no translation..."
In tutorial, when the Hero Paladin gets to the loot, a pop up advises to select hero and choose Inspect. It's not clear that it is the Hero MENU that should be selected (rather than the hero itself)
In the city (Production) the popup says "Select the Elf, its a good alround unit!" Should be "Select the Elf, it's a good all-round unit!", or maybe "Select the Elf, it's a good all-purpose unit!"
Hammer Mountain:
New Hero Offer
Assassins are the masters of surprising their enemies befire before
to be attack attacked
Army battle dialog blank, Battle reports blank.