single358384 (Single Player + two AI)

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single358384 (Single Player + two AI)

Postby Devastor » Mon Dec 30, 2019 11:14 pm

Bug in game single358384 (Single Player + two AI)

I'm White.

At Turn 16:
I get a Hero-offer but canceled it.

After one of my White hero-armys attacked AI-Yellow/Golden-City "Golden Grove",
fighting screen appeared and
window-popup with error message similar to "If you are not in fighting screen, reload the game."

I ignored it and continued playing and conquered the city, but now my remaining White hero-army and the conquered city "Golden Grove" is Yellow/Golden!

-> my white hero army, become a Yellow/Golden one!
(Everytime i click-select my lost hero army in "Golden Grove" its displayed as Yellow/Golden enemy army.)

I stoped playing and don't end the turn! So you can check, try to find the bug.
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Joined: Wed Dec 11, 2019 2:20 pm

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