Game 4898 (Outlandus Decimus),
My opponent had upgrade the city walls of Ratistarrae (Island city in the upper right corner) to L8 (+15). My hero stack threatened to capture the city anyway. So he self pillaged the city and left it empty. After taking the empty city the walls now report as +10. So I went to the city menu to upgrade only to find it says they are already at the Max so I can't do an upgrade.
Also I see another issue this turn, this time with the move path indicating that it will take 2 moves for a flying unit to attack a city. This one can be seen in the bottom left. There I have a flying hero stack on the mountains. There is a nearby city PurPuramontes. When I click to move the 2 squares to attack the city it shows a cost of 1 to use the road and then 2 to attack the city. That would leave me with 3 left and not the 4 I need to return to the mountains. Why is attacking a city showing a cost of 2 and is this just an error in what's being shown or is there going to really only be 2 moves left if I make this attack?
One more question while I am here. For the past 3 turns I have had between 2500-4000 gold. Yet I have not even gotten a hero offer. What's the current formula set to with regards to hero offers as I am trying to figure out why I am suddenly not getting any offers after getting a very steady supply early in the game. I have 6 heroes currently and if the formula is heavily biased against having large numbers I may just disband a few L1 heroes since I'd like to get some allies
Game has 4 days left for me to move so plenty of time for you to take a look and fix any issues.