1) Vector Bug - Game 4747 (New Big Map Test 2). I was vectoring armies (an Eagle) from my capitol to the central cities (3 turns). Just before an Eagle arrived an opponent captured the central city that the Eagle was going to. So the army was return vectored to my capitol as expected. However before it could get back my capitol was captured and razed. I thought the Eagle was dead. However last turn (turn 20) my Eagle appeared on the Razed city. Which I put to good use razing one of my opponents cities that he probably thought was safe. LOL. Thus it appears vectored armies are returned to Razed cities as if you own them.
2) Combat bug 1 - Game 4898 (Outlandus Decimus). I razed a city last turn in the south of the map. My hero stack remained on the razed city out of moves but with 1 square between himself and the shore line. My opponent was able to use a Kraken in his stack to attack me. Krakens are powerful enough being able to attack shore cities and still deliver a fear bonus of -5. They shouldn't be able to travel over a razed city square (which is land) to attack into another land square (another razed city square). I don't think they should be able to attack onto razed city squares at all.
3) Combat bug 2 - This one is minor. But when you review a battle and hover over your units, you always see the anti-air bonus displayed even if the unit never got to use it. For example in a battle 2 Elves were up front in both stacks. Further back in both stacks were flying units. Both Elves showed +10 strength along with the Anti-air symbol at the bottom of their calculations.