City doesn't produce correctly

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City doesn't produce correctly

Postby TheVic » Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:03 pm

Birka didn't produce any unit (was producing scout for movement help).
Probably transported via vectoring to itself (that should not be possible) and hence not arriving.
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Re: City doesn't produce correctly

Postby SnotlinG » Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:53 am


Yes looks like that unit got vectored to itself.
Do you remember the order of actions you took while setting up production/vectoring?
I have tried to replicate, but so far not succeeded.
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Re: City doesn't produce correctly

Postby TheVic » Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:17 pm

Sorry, but no. I usually use the list with all cities for vectoring. but as I didn't see it until the next turn, it was not obious. TheVic
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Re: City doesn't produce correctly

Postby KGB » Wed Jan 16, 2013 10:33 pm

What would happen if you:

Vectored city A to city B.
Went to city B and transferred all vectors coming to B to A.

Would that end up vectoring A to itself?

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Re: City doesn't produce correctly

Postby SnotlinG » Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:20 am

I have tried to replicate it, but unable so far :-(

KGB, there is code in place to stop this. I have tried it before and tried it again now and it seems to be working as expected. If anyone manages to replicate the vectoring to itself behavior please let me know.
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Re: City doesn't produce correctly

Postby Chazar » Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:01 pm

Maybe this is related? In the game 35732 I changed production and the new production was shown shown as "undefined/1" instead of "0/1"? In that case, I reloaded the game and then changed production around everywhere, and the bug did not appear then?!
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Re: City doesn't produce correctly

Postby Chazar » Sat Jan 19, 2013 4:09 pm

Definitely another bug:
Game ID: 35766

Last turn I bought crusaders at my capital and started producing. This turn production was at 1/2. The city was not vectoring. Then I set the vectoring (and that of the neighboring city that produced a minotaur at 1/2. I set the vectoring, and everything was fine. I later returned and both cities now show 0/2 production, i.e. I lost the production! :shock:

Reloading did not help. I think I set the vectoring via the overview menu over all cities, but I am not sure.
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Re: City doesn't produce correctly

Postby SnotlinG » Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:57 pm

Hello Chazar,

I tried to replicate your issue with production that is restarted, but for me it is working :-/
Could it be that you selected another unit to produce first and then switched back to your 2 turn units (which then would reset the buildtime), or possibly accidently stopped the production and then started it again?
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Re: City doesn't produce correctly

Postby Experix » Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:26 am

Probably similar problem to Chazar's one, I had 2/3 elemental, cancelled vector, and now I have 0/3 in the same turn... Didn't click on another production or anything like this..
Game 35777. And started to getting an empty pop-up window with OK button afterwards, every few seconds :-(
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Re: City doesn't produce correctly

Postby SnotlinG » Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:44 am

Experix wrote:Probably similar problem to Chazar's one, I had 2/3 elemental, cancelled vector, and now I have 0/3 in the same turn... Didn't click on another production or anything like this..
Game 35777. And started to getting an empty pop-up window with OK button afterwards, every few seconds :-(

I checked your game, I can only see 1 city producing Elementals, and it says 2/3 to me? :-)
How did you cancel the vector, via the city screen, or via the overview screen of all cities?
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