Attacking myself + "Path is blocked" pop-up

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Attacking myself + "Path is blocked" pop-up

Postby LordNerevar » Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:16 am

Game id = 42342
Browser - Google Chrome

I know that there was a similar issue spotted before, but I have some more problems related to that.

I was fighting with a player who surrendered from a game. One of his cities (Estermont) was empty, so it turned into a neutral city without a garrison (is it even possible?). When I attacked it, my units went into the city without changing the skin of the city (my units was in the city, but the city was still labeled as a "neutral-active"). I left the game and after consequent log-in an ordinary "victory in the city pop-up" appeared. Everything was without problem in that time.

A few turns later I produced some units (partly via portals). It was strange, that they appeared in the upper right quarter of the city, and not in the upper left as usual. Probably some bug, but not a big issue.

But some more turns later I wanted to pass the city with my eagle. Instead of going through city it attacked it. In a battle history I see "WeDoNotSaw vs. WeDoNotSaw" (undercover name) and in that battle there were no defenders (which is not true, there were some units present in that city in the time of attack. I pillaged some gold from myself (ca 150 or so) and stopped the production in the city (which is probably the worst problem for me).

In the same game there is another bug. When I am travelling through the sea, sometimes an error pop-up appears, with a text like "path is blocked". Then there are some "legal squares" where I can not go - usually a plain water square. I though that this bug was caused when I joined a flying hero and a sea serpent, but later this appeared also with just a single eagle (the eagle which later attacked my city, as I am describing above.

I have never experienced such a behaviour before.
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Re: Attacking myself + "Path is blocked" pop-up

Postby SnotlinG » Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:35 pm


Sounds like there was an issue with your city due to the surrendered players actions.
Not sure how that could be but will investigate this. I guess your city should behave normally now that you have occupied it once again?

When your units turned up in top right corner, i guess the topleft wasnt full (8 units)?
Let me know if your units continue to turn up in wrong corner.

Let me know if you find out how to repeat the issue with illegal tiles when moving with your eagle or such...
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Re: Attacking myself + "Path is blocked" pop-up

Postby LordNerevar » Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:07 pm

Thanks for swift reply.

Of course the topleft corner wasn't full - it was empty, there was no unit at all. And when I move with any unit to that topleft corner, this unit will attack the city. I just made a few tests now, I am sendings screens from every step:

How does the city looks like before attack (the armies in the topright corner were produced this turn):
A battle screen:
I had to close the screen with an "x". No "you have won the city" pop-up appeared, just this:
I know that this was some kind of bug, so I closed the game and loged-in once again. Immediately after log-in appeared this (I clicked on Occupy, so the producing units were preserved, and also the portals were untouched):
And the city looked like this, so all of the units were there once again:
And the battle screen in the history was like this (attacker and defender - WeDoNotSaw):

I can allways attack the city with moving across the topleft tile. I've tried it also with the knight unit, it behaves the same.

I will report more about the illegal tiles if I would experience that.
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Re: Attacking myself + "Path is blocked" pop-up

Postby KGB » Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:42 pm

I was fighting with a player who surrendered from a game. One of his cities (Estermont) was empty, so it turned into a neutral city without a garrison (is it even possible?).

This is possible if the city has no production. In that case no neutral garrison unit will be present. It may be that this is the problem because the game expects there to be a neutral garrison unit there and can't properly remove it when the city is conquered. It should be easy to test in a 3 player test game by pillaging all production and surrendering and then having another player attack that empty city.

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Re: Attacking myself + "Path is blocked" pop-up

Postby SnotlinG » Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:15 pm


You had an invisible ghost-unit in your top left corner (i.e. a bug). I have removed it now.
Question is, do you know if this city was empty when your opponent took surrender? or was there any unit in the city? If so, what kind of unit?

Thanks for reporting this :-)
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Re: Attacking myself + "Path is blocked" pop-up

Postby SnotlinG » Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:34 pm

Found the bug now. It was because of our earlier change for Flyer units to their own class of units, and this city was producing flyers, so one of those should have been autoproduced when it turned Neutral.

Thanks for reporting this!
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Re: Attacking myself + "Path is blocked" pop-up

Postby LordNerevar » Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:42 pm

I am 100% sure that the city was empty in the time of my first attack. But I have no idea whether it was also empty before his surrender.

Anyway, great job with fixing this bug, it works now.
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Re: Attacking myself + "Path is blocked" pop-up

Postby LordNerevar » Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:01 pm

So there is still a problem with the "path is block" error. It seems that it is related only with one concrete assassin unit. As you can see on this picture: Image

There are 4 units at sea - two ships, one serpent and one hero on a ship. When I move along the path with all units, the message "The path has been blocked! Verify if you really want to make this move." appears. The problem is probably only with the assassin, because the two ships alone were able to reach the city on this path.

I don't want to experiment with this now, because there is an enemy paladin nearby and I don't want to lost that assassin.

Any ideas what is wrong with that?
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Re: Attacking myself + "Path is blocked" pop-up

Postby KGB » Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:24 pm

Are you sure the Serpent can reach the city (it takes 2 moves instead of 1).

I've seen similar issues when boats are grouped with Serpents/Kraken because the game doesn't account correctly for the Serpent/Kraken needing 2 moves to enter the city so the path shows 1 move (for boat units) but when you try to do the move the game realizes 1 unit needs 2 moves instead of 1 and doesn't like it even if they all individually can reach the destination). Separating out boats from aquatic units always fixes it for me.

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Re: Attacking myself + "Path is blocked" pop-up

Postby LordNerevar » Fri Jul 19, 2013 1:45 pm

The problem was really only with assassin. He alone could not move the whole path. Maybe it is also important to point out that he was able to fly.

Anyway, I can not reproduce that bug now, because the game ended.
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