I noticed a bug today with regards to Wizards.
When the Wizard changes his strength (either from land-to-flier or flier-to-land) the stack bonus's are suddenly calculated all over again. But now any slain units on either side no longer factor into the calculation so the new bonus's are incorrect and this persists for the remainder of the combat.
In my battle I had 2 Giants, 3 spiders, catapult, Pegasi, Medusa and I was facing a city with a bunch of light infantry, a Wizard, A Demon and a Hero.
When the Wizard first entered battle against my spiders, he was a 6 strength (+1 from hero, +1 from demon, -1 from Medusa and 0 from city). When he then faced the Pegasi his strength jumped to 9 (+3 vs fliers). But when the Medusa entered combat he should have dropped back to his original 6 strength. Instead he went to 8 because the catapult negation of the city walls was no longer figured into the bonus's calculations because it was slain.
Note that the incorrect bonus calculation persisted even after the Medusa slew the Wizard and moved on to face the Demon.
I would assume that Elf Archers have the same bug.
Gives a whole new reason to put those units far down in the fight order to recalculate new bonus's