Waterwalking hero with ships

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Waterwalking hero with ships

Postby Experix » Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:28 am

I often used to (even in 0.91 games) that waterwalking hero movepoint cost is 1 then in stack with ships moving that fast. But now, suddenly, in game 39472, this is not true for my barbarian, so I can't perform planned attack?

Also have problems with message notification in that game (the in-game icon isn't flashing and I don't see any icon in my games list).
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Re: Waterwalking hero with ships

Postby Experix » Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:41 am

One more, ship-related bug I spotted recently - then buying ships, the gold displayed after buying seems like the cost of them was doubled. After ending the turn and coming back, my amount of gold is correct again.
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Re: Waterwalking hero with ships

Postby SnotlinG » Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:25 am

Bug fixed. Reload the game and it should work as expected.
Thanks for noticing!
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Re: Waterwalking hero with ships

Postby Negern » Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:03 pm

Another one with heroes. Even when a hero does not have fly ability, it is possible to upgrade the hero to flying status in docks, by clicking "up" when having the djonk selected. It does not last after clicking ok, but the hero stands on water terrain with no strength reduction from boats without flying or wtw. Can't move, but can block the port very easily.
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Re: Waterwalking hero with ships

Postby Negern » Sat Apr 13, 2013 5:01 pm

+ another one. Found tiles in a game that said "NaN" instead of "hills are though to travel, 6 steps" etc. Looked a little laggy, with walls on otherwise black squares. Trying to fly onto them caused lags.

37997, city "chachin" up in the middle of the north, next to a speed temple.

Also, the lone dwarf at the almost exact opposite of the map have had some problems with the path finder. Click one square north of the elemental city, to see what I mean. He goes over the ford and then through the neutral unit. Earlier this turn, he tried to disembark through the same city.
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Re: Waterwalking hero with ships

Postby Negern » Mon Apr 15, 2013 12:14 pm

I got a city from a NAP this turn in 37997. Units that were in the city moved outside automatically. So now they stand in a river. Only teal city in SE of the map.
Also, clicking on docks should open a docks menu. Good when info about steps, strength etc are needed!

+ must have 3 or above in steps with the lvl3 boat to get on a port. It says cost 2, but is in fact 3, like shore.
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Re: Waterwalking hero with ships

Postby Negern » Mon Apr 15, 2013 12:58 pm

If a hero runs onto a dock with say 20 moves and upgrades to flying, the hero will have the 20 moves, even when it's out of the boat and the individual step limit is way lower.

Maximum steps + +stack move + 0-2 saved steps from last turn would be best. So a 14 move with 1+ stack and one saved step from last turn would get 16 when running into docks with 21 steps left? Or what do you think?

+ (very small detail) symbol on heroes while riding water units is flying, when the hero is really waterwalking.
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Re: Waterwalking hero with ships

Postby Chazar » Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:56 pm

Negern wrote:Another one with heroes. Even when a hero does not have fly ability, it is possible to upgrade the hero to flying status in docks, by clicking "up" when having the djonk selected. It does not last after clicking ok, but the hero stands on water terrain with no strength reduction from boats without flying or wtw. Can't move, but can block the port very easily.

That one is not a bug, but a feature that is even described in the warpedia "hero-basics": heroes can ride with boats like with sea creatures, paying the move cost of the boat, but retaining their own strength and move. You can also switch a hero from a serpent to a boat and later to a griffin above water, just don't let such a hero stand a lone on water by the end of your turn/
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Re: Waterwalking hero with ships

Postby SnotlinG » Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:58 pm


Quite a list :-)

Negern wrote:n having the djonk selected. It does not last after clicking ok, but the hero stands on water terrain with no strength reduction from boats without flying or wtw. Can't move, but can block the port very easily.

Should be fixed, now you need a Flyer or Aquatic unit on the Dock to be able to update your hero to Land-mode (new symbols added also to make it more clear...)

Negern wrote:+ another one. Found tiles in a game that said "NaN" instead of "hills are though to travel, 6 steps" etc. Looked a little laggy, with walls on otherwise black squares. Trying to fly onto them caused lags.

37997, city "chachin" up in the middle of the north, next to a speed temple.

Also, the lone dwarf at the almost exact opposite of the map have had some problems with the path finder. Click one square north of the elemental city, to see what I mean. He goes over the ford and then through the neutral unit. Earlier this turn, he tried to disembark through the same city.

Looks like it is the map that is broken. It needs to be updated and Re-Finalized etc...
Pathfinding for the Dwarf seems to work for me. It can behave a little bit strange around Ports in case difficiult terrain/enemy citites are closeby.

Negern wrote:I got a city from a NAP this turn in 37997. Units that were in the city moved outside automatically. So now they stand in a river. Only teal city in SE of the map.
Also, clicking on docks should open a docks menu. Good when info about steps, strength etc are needed!

+ must have 3 or above in steps with the lvl3 boat to get on a port. It says cost 2, but is in fact 3, like shore.

Ah, I updated the function that calculates where unit is placed when auto-moved. Should not be placed into the River (or Wall or Waterfall) in games of version 0.91 or higher now.

I could only replicate the cost2/3 issue just when I upgraded a ship. Has fixed this bug for that setup now. If you can still get it to show incorrect cost for a Port, please let me know step-by-step how to replicate.

Negern wrote:If a hero runs onto a dock with say 20 moves and upgrades to flying, the hero will have the 20 moves, even when it's out of the boat and the individual step limit is way lower.

Maximum steps + +stack move + 0-2 saved steps from last turn would be best. So a 14 move with 1+ stack and one saved step from last turn would get 16 when running into docks with 21 steps left? Or what do you think?

+ (very small detail) symbol on heroes while riding water units is flying, when the hero is really waterwalking.

Good find, it is on my todolist as it is a bit complicated to fix.
Icons have been updated as mentioned so should be easier to understand hopefully...
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Re: Waterwalking hero with ships

Postby Negern » Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:02 am

SnotlinG wrote:Should be fixed, now you need a Flyer or Aquatic unit on the Dock to be able to update your hero to Land-mode (new symbols added also to make it more clear...)

Haha, but now there's a new problem, when heroes with fly or wtw can't upgrade to land mode. :) I think no flyers, no swimmers and no stats in divine movement should be = no upgrade to land-mode.

I could only replicate the cost2/3 issue just when I upgraded a ship. Has fixed this bug for that setup now. If you can still get it to show incorrect cost for a Port, please let me know step-by-step how to replicate.

Hum, it sill worked. In a 0.91 game too, I'm pretty sure. To replicate, it's just to upgrade a ship to lvl 3 and then try to step onto a dock! :) It says "movement 2" but I guess it's counted as a shore tile, cause it takes 3 from total steps.
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