Send Resources in team game + possible Plunder bug

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Send Resources in team game + possible Plunder bug

Postby KGB » Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:16 pm

Two things I noticed.

1) In the Send Resources menu in a team game on turn 7, all the radio buttons were grayed out which meant I could not send resources to my team mate or to other players. The instructions said I should be able to do so after turn 4. In an attempt to workaround the bug, I hit 'reload' page. Once the page was reloaded when I went back to the Send Resources menu the radio buttons were enabled and I was able to send resources.

2) The Lords of Light and Dark scenario map has restricted production for the Dark and Light sides (as opposed to restricted production based on a city). I noticed that when I capture a Light city as a Dark player and hit 'plunder' I always get 0 gold. So it appears there is no production in the cities. But I know that isn't true as the Light player is simply making units that I am not allowed to make. So there appears to be a plunder bug related to your production limitation rather than what is actually in the city.

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Re: Send Resources in team game + possible Plunder bug

Postby SnotlinG » Fri Aug 23, 2013 4:08 pm

1) How did you get to turn 7? Did you ever reload your client or was this some kind of speedgame?

2) when you play a scenariomap, and playing a side that doesnt have the right to build certain units, those units are auto-destroyed when you capture a city, so it is not possible to plunder units that you could not build...
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Re: Send Resources in team game + possible Plunder bug

Postby KGB » Fri Aug 23, 2013 4:38 pm


1) It's a regular game with a couple of days turn around between turns. So I've definitely closed and opened the browser in that time period and probably restarted the computer itself. It's not something that's unique to that game. I noticed the same problem in the 0.92 language test game which is on turn 8.

2) Interesting. I did not know those units you could not build were auto-destroyed. That means I never have to worry about my opponent pillaging my cities for gold or auto-destroying my own production to prevent that pillaging.

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Re: Send Resources in team game + possible Plunder bug

Postby SnotlinG » Fri Aug 23, 2013 7:35 pm

1) OK! Have you noticed when this happens? Is it always fixable by a client reload?

2) Exactly!
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Re: Send Resources in team game + possible Plunder bug

Postby KGB » Fri Aug 23, 2013 9:45 pm


It's always fixable by a reload.

I just entered a team game where it's my opponents turn. I noticed that I can send gold to him right now as the radio buttons are working! When I normally send gold it's the end of my turn after I know how much I have to send. That's when it's broken. During the turn I have captured cities/searched/ruins/fought battles/bought production etc. I wonder if the fact my gold has changed is what causes it to not be available at the end of my turn.

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Re: Send Resources in team game + possible Plunder bug

Postby Chazar » Sat Aug 24, 2013 7:10 pm

I encountered Bug 1) resource sending several times as well. Hitting F5 always resolved the issue.
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Re: Send Resources in team game + possible Plunder bug

Postby SnotlinG » Sat Aug 24, 2013 9:14 pm

Let me know if you can find any logic in when this send resource bug happens it would be great.
I´ll start checking the code...
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