Game 45453 (Test Europa)
This turn I attacked an enemy stack containing an Eagle, Gryphon and Barb (70 str, 4 hits). I had a Lt Inf, Giant, 2 Hv Calv, Barb (65 str, 4 hits) and Assassin (16 Grp Ambush). This attack happened on a razed city.
1) The Gryphon was getting the city bonus. I was surprised by this as I thought razed cities were not giving that terrain bonus??? I attempted to search for this in the forums which led to my other post about the search feature being broken. So do razed cities given city terrain bonus still?
2) I lost the 75-25 battle with only the enemy Barb surviving. When I look at the combat results it says the battle outcome was 0.4%. That's impossible. There is no way that with a 25% chance to win the battle, just surviving with the Barb is going to be 0.4%. that particular combat result should be something like 24.6% as there is no chance to win that combat with anything else but the Barb as the Eagle/Gryphon are killed easily.
I won't end my my turn until you have a chance to look.