Mixed Fight Order Team Defense?

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Mixed Fight Order Team Defense?

Postby Chazar » Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:11 am

Mixed fight order team defense battles: Bug or a feature?

I just attacked a team-defended city with a scout, and saw units of the same type in non-consecutive places, e.g. a heavy infantry at the front, then a yeti and a spider, then more heavy infantry.

GameID is 47776.

What determines the fight order in team defense battles anyway?
Thus far our observations are inconclusive...
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Re: Mixed Fight Order Team Defense?

Postby SnotlinG » Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:35 pm

The fightorder is determined by the individual players defense orders.

So if player 1 has a HI on place 1 in defense-order and then spider on place 3, and player 2 has spider on place 2 and HI on place 4, what you will meat is:
HI (player 1), Spider (player 2), Spider (player 1), HI (player 2)
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Re: Mixed Fight Order Team Defense?

Postby Chazar » Fri Mar 21, 2014 1:07 pm

I would have never guessed that. While this makes sense from a certain point of view, it does make it hard to predict what actually happens from what is displayed to each team player within the game.

Why not simply use the defense order of the city owner?
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Re: Mixed Fight Order Team Defense?

Postby SnotlinG » Fri Mar 21, 2014 3:58 pm

It makes sense coding vice :-)

And also, i would say it makes sense gamevice, since if you put your stack in a friends city, you expect your units to battle in a specific order. If you follow your teammates defense-order instead your units might suddenly battle in an (to you) unexpected way.
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Re: Mixed Fight Order Team Defense?

Postby KGB » Sun Apr 06, 2014 6:55 pm

I like it how it currently is and agree with SnotlinG that your units should fight in the order you asked them to.

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