Cant choose name of player Art for message

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Cant choose name of player Art for message

Postby Igor » Tue May 06, 2014 9:26 pm

sometimes can but other times can't. Just now was case when can't.
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Re: Cant choose name of player Art for message

Postby Igor » Tue May 27, 2014 1:11 pm

When I try to choose Art for sending a message from Account page I see list of names where no Art. Thus I can't choose him and can't send him a message.
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Re: Cant choose name of player Art for message

Postby Igor » Wed May 28, 2014 7:35 pm

Still can't choose. I wished to send a message to some recipients including Art, choosed all but not Art.
I still can't send a message to the recipient during a row of weeks.
It is annoying.
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Re: Cant choose name of player Art for message

Postby piranha » Fri May 30, 2014 4:11 pm

You should be able to see him in the list now. Not a permanent solution but at least it should work for now.
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Re: Cant choose name of player Art for message

Postby Igor » Sat May 31, 2014 10:02 am

Good to see that's available right now.
There is a wish to be able to send a mail message to any player any time.
This problem was born a year ago. Sometimes when it becomes much annoying I write about it here.
Hope the final solution will be found somewhen.

P.S. That is perhaps objective bug, which is applicable not only for me but for everyone who wish to send a message to Art. I can't even imagine how much messages Art himself hasn't got because of this bug.
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Re: Cant choose name of player Art for message

Postby piranha » Sat May 31, 2014 12:11 pm

The problem is that when you type art, 3 characters you match with a lot of other names that include something with art. The matching system should select the most accurate one and put it at the top but it doesn't so I have to reduce the number of names in the list so art is also in the list every time. The list is composed of all users who have been online the last year now and it was the last 2 years before this change.
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