Game 51742 (Darklords142)
Take a look at my combat report last turn (38). There is a neutral battle on the water where I attacked 3 Kraken. Note in the combat that I was +14 leadership to attack.
Now look at the hero that did the attacking (my Ranger). She has 2 items that give a total of +8 combat. Somehow the Patriarch got counted twice. In fact if you go to the item page for the Ranger it shows +14. Put all her items in the backpack and she goes to +0. Add back in the Patriarch and she goes to +12!
At some point in prior turns when she was exchanging this item with another hero it got permanently attached to her as a bonus so that when she equips it she gets the bonus twice. In fact on turn 37 she swapped all her items with a DK and the DK made an attack and only got +2 (instead of +8) then they swapped back and she made an attack against 3 neutral Kraken with a +14 attack (I just missed noticing it last turn). They have swapped before that too so the problem may have started before turn 37 I just don't have records that far back.