by SnotlinG » Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:38 am
Im reworking this for beta4, so I wont spend any time fixing it in beta 3 unfortunately, as the codechanges are quite big.
If you do it like this you should be able to solve your deadlock.
1. Reload the game-page to make sure you have the latest unit-info
2. Select only the hero of the stack, i.e. ungroup etc. I assume he is in Ship-form.
3. Move him 1 square out to the Sea, so he is aalone ship there.
4. Move away any Flyers from the anchor.
5. For the units still on the anchor, go through them one at a time, any unit which is in ship-form, move it to the square with the hero-ship. Units in Land-form in the anchor can stay there.
6. Now move all the units that are in Ship-form (including the hero) back to the anchor, one at a time. They should now convert to Land-form when they reach the anchor.
7. Finally, move back all the Flyers to the anchor
8. Now you should be able to group all the units, and make the attack.