tower on city

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tower on city

Postby zorro » Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:23 pm

I am playing in a (maptest-)game where the creator of the map put a tower on a city. When I conquered the city I could move into the tower but the game froze and I had to restart it. After restarting I was standing on the tower but the tower was still neutral.
The opponent took the city back and I tried to move into it again. When I tried to move into the city directly I got that 'the target has changed' message meaning I couldnt do my move. Then I moved into the tower, neither the tower nor the city are mine tho and I suspect there are even troops in the tower.

The game is Crater Test 2.0

In the screenshot you see that my side is black but neither the city nor the tower are black.
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Re: tower on city

Postby zorro » Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:30 pm

the story continues

I log into that game again and my troops are gone, only an artifact is still there...

and no, its not a simultaneous game
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the story continues 2

Postby zorro » Tue Jul 04, 2017 9:14 pm

Logged in and out again, made no other move, now the artifact is also gone
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Re: tower on city

Postby FatsXL » Wed Jul 05, 2017 3:53 am

I made the map and I'm also the opposing player

To clarify, I did have a hero stack on the tower. Your stack attacked mine and lost, I picked up the artifact after I saw your message.

warboo.jpg (123.05 KiB) Viewed 5179 times

The tower itself was not actually intended, I've had a number of issues like this trying to removing features in map creator that end up still being there.

However I've run into this issue before of battles and the game screen not updating for an attacker against a tower on top of a city. The only advantage it seems to convey though is disguising your stack.
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Re: tower on city

Postby zorro » Wed Jul 05, 2017 4:10 am

I got no battle window at all and I've been on that tower before but it didnt change from neutral to black. I just went on that tower and my stack also showed up on it. Then I left the game and later, when I logged in again, it was gone.
Its obvious the game doesnt handle a tower on a city right and there for it should not be used.
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Re: tower on city

Postby SnotlinG » Thu Jul 06, 2017 12:06 pm

Tower on city should not be possible to place, but unfortunately it seems it can happen.
This is a bug though and it should be removed from the map by the mapcreator if possible.

That the game is acting strange on this map is not a bug since the map itself is corrupt.
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