Wrong troops change owner on surrender

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Wrong troops change owner on surrender

Postby Chazar » Tue Sep 05, 2017 12:12 pm

My troops defected to a team partner upon another team member's surrender! :o

My troops defended a team-partner's city. When the city's owner surrendered, the city changed ownership to a third team member. Some of my own units also converted to the new owner of the city.

My stack of units in the top-left of the city remained under my control. Troops in the top-right, belonging to the original city owner, changed allegiance to the new owner as it should be (with units having more than one turn of production time being removed). The lower-left was unoccupied. The lower-right was occupied by another stack of my troops. This stack belongs to the new owner now (luckily, troops with more than 1 turn production time were preserved).
Posts: 670
Joined: Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:51 pm

Re: Wrong troops change owner on surrender

Postby Chazar » Thu Sep 07, 2017 7:36 am

Just for completeness, I believe I figured out the nature of the bug by separating all units now:

When a city is handed over to a team partner by surrender, _all_ 1-Turn units are changed to the new owner, even third-party team units. However, 2+-turn units remain unaffected. This may lead to stacks with mixed ownership. I did not realize this in my previous post, since the color of a stack simply depends on the top unit being shown. So by changing the fight-order I could eventually select all stacks containing my 2+-turn units.

Once I had selected a mixed stack through the 2-turn unit, I could move all units in the stack, regardless of ownership.

However, once I separated a 1T-unit from these mixed ownership stacks, I could only move it until I deselect it. From then onwards, I could never select it again. So the 1T-units will changed ownership completely.
Posts: 670
Joined: Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:51 pm

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